Error with DTS Active Script --- Please Help

  • >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    I am trying to read a sysbase table and insert all values for that table into a sql server

    table. The name of the sysbase table will change every day with the date appended

    to the end of the table name.


    This is the code I am using... I am getting this error when executing??

    Error Source : ADODB.Recordset

    Error Description: Error Code : 0

    Error Source=ADODB.Recordset

    Error Description: Item cannot be found in collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

    Error on Line 53

    Item cannot be found in collection corresponding to the requested name or ordina.


    FYI Line 53 is this line " strINSERT = "INSERT INTO eCallByCallStat " & _" after the for statement.


    Thanks, Jeff C





    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

     Dim dtPreviousDate

     Dim strFileDate

     Dim strTableName

     Dim strSQLTableName

     Dim Result

     Dim cnSybase

     Dim cnSymposium

     Dim rsSybaseSYM

     Dim rsSQLSYM

     Dim rsCallByCallStat

     Dim rsCallByCallStatSQL

     Dim strConn1

     Dim strConn2

     Dim strSQL

     Dim strINSERT

    dtPreviousDate = DateAdd("d", -1 , Date() )

    strFileDate = Year(dtPreviousDate) & Right("0" & Month(dtPreviousDate), 2) & Right("0" & Day(dtPreviousDate), 2)

    strTableName = "eCallByCallStat" & strFileDate

    strSQLTableName = "eCallByCallStat"

    strSQL  = "SELECT * FROM blue.dbo."& strTableName

    Set cnSybase        = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    Set rsSybaseSYM = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    Set cnNortelSymposium = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    Set rsNortelSymposium = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    Const adOpenKeyset = 1

    cnSybase.Open "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Password=xxxxxxx;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxxxx;Data Source=symposium;Initial Catalog=blue"

    cnNortelSymposium.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=NortelSymposium;Data Source=VELA"

    ' Create and open first Recorfdset using Connection - execute

    rsSybaseSYM.Open strSQL, cnSybase, adOpenKeyset

    ' msgbox(rsSybaseSYM.RecordCount)

    If rsSybaseSYM.RecordCount > 0 Then

       For countr = 1 To rsSybaseSYM.RecordCount

       strINSERT = "INSERT INTO eCallByCallStat " & _

           "(Timestamp,CallEvent,CallEventName,CallId,TelsetLoginID,AssociateData,Destination,VentData,Source,Time,SiteID,Site) " & _

           "VALUES  ( " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Timestamp").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("CallEvent").Value & " ', " & _ 

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("CallEventName").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("CallID").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("TelsetLoginID").Value & " ', " & _ 

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("AssociatedData").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Destination").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("VentData").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Source").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Time").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("SiteID").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Site").Value & " ' " & _


       cnNortelSymposium.Execute strINSERT, , adCmdText



    End If




    End Function


  • try changing the line....

    strSQL  = "SELECT * FROM blue.dbo."& strTableName


    strSQL  = "SELECT [Timestamp], [CallEvent] .... ,[Site] FROM blue.dbo."& strTableName


  • If Mike's solution doesn't work, try (where I put square brackets around the T-SQL key word Timestamp):

       strINSERT = "INSERT INTO eCallByCallStat " & _

           "(Timestamp,CallEvent,CallEventName,CallId,TelsetLoginID,AssociateData,Destination,VentData,Source,Time,SiteID,Site) " & _

           "VALUES  ( " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("[Timestamp]").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("CallEvent").Value & " ', " & _ 

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("CallEventName").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("CallID").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("TelsetLoginID").Value & " ', " & _ 

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("AssociatedData").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Destination").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("VentData").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Source").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Time").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("SiteID").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Site").Value & " ' " & _



    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Thanks Mike your suggestion worked.

    FYI -This is the working Code



    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

     Dim dtPreviousDate

     Dim strFileDate

     Dim strTableName

     Dim strSQLTableName

     Dim Result

     Dim cnSybase

     Dim cnSymposium

     Dim rsSybaseSYM

     Dim rsSQLSYM

     Dim rsCallByCallStat

     Dim rsCallByCallStatSQL

     Dim strConn1

     Dim strConn2

     Dim strSQL

     Dim strINSERT

    dtPreviousDate = DateAdd("d", -1 , Date() )

    strFileDate = Year(dtPreviousDate) & Right("0" & Month(dtPreviousDate), 2) & Right("0" & Day(dtPreviousDate), 2)

    strTableName = "eCallByCallStat" & strFileDate

    strSQLTableName = "eCallByCallStat"

    strSQL  = "SELECT Timestamp, CallEvent, CallEventName, CallID, TelsetLoginID, AssociatedData, Destination, EventData, Source, Time, SiteID, Site  FROM blue.dbo."& strTableName

    Set cnSybase        = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    Set rsSybaseSYM = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    Set cnNortelSymposium = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    Set rsNortelSymposium = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    Const adOpenKeyset = 1

    cnSybase.Open "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Password=xxxxxx;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxxxx;Data Source=symposium;Initial Catalog=blue"

    cnNortelSymposium.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=VELA;Initial Catalog=NortelSymposium;user id = xxxxxxx;Trusted_Connection=Yes"

    ' Create and open first Recorfdset using Connection - execute

    rsSybaseSYM.Open strSQL, cnSybase, adOpenKeyset

    ' msgbox(rsSybaseSYM.RecordCount)


    If rsSybaseSYM.RecordCount > 0 Then

       For countr = 1 To rsSybaseSYM.RecordCount

       strINSERT = "INSERT INTO eCallByCallStat " & _

           "(Timestamp,CallEvent,CallEventName,CallID,TelsetLoginID,AssociatedData,Destination,EventData,Source,Time,SiteID,Site) " & _

           "VALUES  ( " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Timestamp").Value & " ', " & _

            "  "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("CallEvent").Value & " , " & _ 

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("CallEventName").Value & " ', " & _

            "  "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("CallID").Value & " , " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("TelsetLoginID").Value & " ', " & _ 

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("AssociatedData").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Destination").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("EventData").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Source").Value & " ', " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Time").Value & " ', " & _

            "  "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("SiteID").Value & " , " & _

            " ' "  &  rsSybaseSYM.Fields("Site").Value & " ' " & _


      '  msgbox(strINSERT)

        cnNortelSymposium.Execute strINSERT



    End If




        Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function



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