Fantasy Football 2014

  • I'd like in if there is any room left.



    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"

  • Dan manages the league, so I'll let him decide how to move forward.

    Typically we allow right-of-participation for the 12 that were in last year. If someone drops out, we'll pick someone new up.

    If we have enough interest, I suppose we could do two leagues.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (7/24/2014)

    If we have enough interest, I suppose we could do two leagues.

    I was just going to suggest that, Steve! Maybe we can call it SSCFFL 2.0!

    Check out my blog at

  • Ray,

    Probably a silly question but why is the league 12 not 16? Wouldn't 16 fit in nicer with the knock-out stage, or is it to do with the length of the regular season or the pool of players we pick from?



  • rodjkidd (7/24/2014)


    Probably a silly question but why is the league 12 not 16? Wouldn't 16 fit in nicer with the knock-out stage, or is it to do with the length of the regular season or the pool of players we pick from?



    You're asking the wrong person. I think Dan can probably answer that better than I could. My guess is that it has something to do with the fact that we're split into three divisions.

    Personally, I'd be okay with unbalanced divisions.

    Check out my blog at

  • rodjkidd (7/24/2014)


    Probably a silly question but why is the league 12 not 16? Wouldn't 16 fit in nicer with the knock-out stage, or is it to do with the length of the regular season or the pool of players we pick from?



    Just my 2 cents, but most standard 16 team leagues end up getting pretty tough for making any roster moves. You have an RB get hurt and go looking for one on waivers and it's just a bunch of 2nd and 3rd string guys who maybe get 5 touches a game, and you're S.O.L.

    I don't know if this would be possible, but if there was enough interest here, maybe have two separate 12 team leagues that play the standard 16 week season amongst each other in their own league, then the winner of each league plays each other in week 17 for the overall championship.

    I don't think yahoo lets you set up a league like that so the week 17 matchup might have to be scored by hand, and you'd need rules that the teams playing in that could only use the guys on their roster in week 16 or something like that, but you could potentially have a matchup where both teams have the same QB which might make things interesting because the other players would be more valuable. Even have the runners up in each league play each other if you wanted to determine an overall 3rd place.

    Just throwing out suggestions. Again, we'd need enough interest for something like that.

  • The first year of the league it was 16 teams. Starting with the second year Dan dropped it to 12 teams. He would be the one to explain why.

  • Truncate Y'all has dropped out, replaced already with last year's requestors. NFL Soldiers is still pending.

    As has been stated, we started with 16 teams in the league the first year and it turned out to be too many...not enough available players on the waiver wire. Also, there was a good amount of inactivity after the first few weeks, it turned out that 12 was perfect for participation. The last couple of years has proven this to be true, I've rarely had to come after anyone to keep their teams updated, even for the consolation bracket.

    A second league would be fun but not something I'm up for managing. I will look to see if Yahoo would allow one "super" league with a couple of "sub" leagues.

    Sacramento SQL Server users group -
    Follow me on Twitter - @SQLDCH

    Yeah, well...The Dude abides.
  • Cool, thanks for the answer, guessed it might the waivers. Don't have that issue with British Football fanansy leagues.

    Super league sounds interesting.


  • We're running with one league, Yahoo doesn't appear to be able to do "super" leagues and I don't have the time to manage something like that.

    I changed the draft date and time: Sunday, August 31 at 12:00pm PST. I also shortened the time to pick to 30 seconds per pick.

    Are you ready for some football???

    Sacramento SQL Server users group -
    Follow me on Twitter - @SQLDCH

    Yeah, well...The Dude abides.
  • SQLDCH (8/12/2014)

    I changed the draft date and time: Sunday, August 31 at 12:00pm PST.

    I just put it in my calendar! (3:00pm EST for me!)

    Check out my blog at

  • Looking forward to it!

  • SQLDCH (8/12/2014)

    We're running with one league, Yahoo doesn't appear to be able to do "super" leagues and I don't have the time to manage something like that.

    I changed the draft date and time: Sunday, August 31 at 12:00pm PST. I also shortened the time to pick to 30 seconds per pick.

    Are you ready for some football???

    Any given Sunday!

    I think that is 11:30 PM out here in Afghanistan. Still seriously considering missing the draft. My team always seemed to do better when I let the computer do the drafting.

  • Do we have 12 teams? Last time you reported one has been replaced and not sure of another.

  • Cool. I'm in Oslo for the SQL Saturday there. Staying the Sunday for sight seeing. So I think that's 9 pm local time 🙂

    I hope I don't get this wrong!


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