File Backup

  • When you do a file backup, does it backup any stored procedures and/or defaults you have set? I tried looking through the doucmenation on it and didn't see where it said it did or did not.


  • File backup just backs up the physical database files (MDF).

  • Hmm I see, so I will need to backup stored procedures as text files to back them up along with the data.


  • I don't think so. Stored procs are stored on the physical mdf files of the database. If you are doing file backups, you are capturing the database schema also because that is stored in the primary file group.

    Thanks Tom

  • Full backup will backup everything for you. It is good practice to script all SPs too.

  • By if i do a full backup to Disk would that get everything? I am assuming it will since when I backup to tape it does since I had to restore a database a couple times for testing purposes.

    I am just trying to streamline my backup since SQL Server and the IIS and my aspx/html/asp pages all reside on the same server.


  • Does that mean it is good practice to script all views, udf's,diagrams,table_schema.

    The whole point of database backup's is recovery of the database. That doesn't mean, the database less the stored procs, because you should script those out seperately.

    I would not throw an extra step to script out the stored procs. However, if I was doing file backups I would put only system data in the primary filegroup and make sure that that filegroup was backed up on a nightly basis, and create a user_data and user_indexes filegroup to distinguish thoses from primary.

    Just my opinion.

    Thanks Tom

  • Howdy Matt. If you are wanting to achieve smaller backup files of your databases then I would suggest litespeed. It's an excellent solution to reducing file sizes.

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