Fill Factor "best" setting for GUID

  • Ninja,

    You also might want to consider how data is entered for the table. If there are VARCHAR type columns that are initially empty and then get filled in later this can also cause page splits due to the expansion on the column widths.

    Todd Fifield

  • tfifield (5/11/2011)


    You also might want to consider how data is entered for the table. If there are VARCHAR type columns that are initially empty and then get filled in later this can also cause page splits due to the expansion on the column widths.

    Todd Fifield

    That is a GREAT point Todd that sooo many people miss.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • TheSQLGuru (5/12/2011)

    tfifield (5/11/2011)


    You also might want to consider how data is entered for the table. If there are VARCHAR type columns that are initially empty and then get filled in later this can also cause page splits due to the expansion on the column widths.

    Todd Fifield

    That is a GREAT point Todd that sooo many people miss.


    I'm glad I can contribute something here. I once had to tune customer table where the clustered index was an Identity column. No-one could figure out why it was always so fragmented. The application inserted a skeleton record and marketing people would later call and get the full information, which bloated the VARCHAR columns and caused page splits. Simply lowering the fill factor from 85 to around 45 fixed the problem. There was some unused space in the table but performance shot up like a rocket!

    Todd Fifield

  • SwayneBell (5/10/2011)

    Hi Ninja;

    By now, I'm sure that you've looked it up in BOL, but it's worth mentioning for others who read this thread; a constraint if you're implementing this function is that it "can only be used with DEFAULT constraints on table columns of type uniqueidentifier" (from BOL).

    e.g. CREATE TABLE myTable (ColumnA uniqueidentifier DEFAULT NEWSEQUENTIALID())

    So, using it is contingent on our ability to alter the tables in a COTS application. We ran into a similar issue but were fortunate to be able to solve it by changing the clustered index in the way Gail suggested.

    There is a cheat/workaround the default constraint IF for some reason you want the GUID generated in another session rather as a default value in the table. It goes a bit like this:

    create procedure generateSequentialID


    create table #tempGUID (myGUID uniqueidentifier default newsequentialid())

    insert into #tempGUID default values

    select myGUID from #tempGUID order by myGUID asc


    create table tbl_GUID


    rownum int identity(1,1),

    myguid uniqueidentifier


    insert into tbl_GUID(myguid)

    exec generateSequentialID

    select * from tbl_GUID

    Yeah it's cheeky but sometimes you need to. 😀

    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

  • :hehe:

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