Finding & removing a space from a string

  • I would like to find spaces and remove them from a last name field in my DB.

    Ex. St James is entered - I would like to change the string to Stjames.

    I'm not exactly sure how to do this?

    Would I use the substring function?

  • Here's a simple one. It will only remove one space, but it will work for mulptiple spaces if you run it multiple times.

    declare @strName varchar(100)

    select @strName = 'St James'

    select left(@strName,(charindex(' ',@strName)-1))+right(@strName,(len(@strName)-charindex(' ',@strName)))

  • Works like a charm, thanks!

  • Here is a method to remove large amounts of White space in a with a single commands that contains multiple REPLACE clauses:

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • quote:

    Works like a charm, thanks!

    Thanks! This is my first time making suggestions on this site. I always come here for questions instead 🙂 Here's a loop to remove multiple spaces...


    declare @strName varchar(100)

    select @strName = ' S t J a m e s '

    while charindex(' ',@strName) > 0


    select @strName = ltrim(@strName)

    select @strName = rtrim(@strName)

    select @strName = left(@strName,(charindex(' ',@strName)-1))+right(@strName,(len(@strName)-charindex(' ',@strName)))


    select @strName


    Edited by - fubak on 08/20/2003 1:13:54 PM

  • Could you use SET @stName = REPLACE( @stName, ' ', '' ) ?


  • Greg Larsen and guarddata, your TSQL suggestions work great as well. Thanks a bunch to all.

  • quote:

    Could you use SET @stName = REPLACE( @stName, ' ', '' ) ?


    Darn you and your common sense! 🙂

  • I made something similar and built it into a function

    -- =============================================

    -- Create scalar function (FN)

    -- =============================================


    FROM sysobjects

    WHERE name = N'udf_RemoveMultChars')

    DROP FUNCTION udf_RemoveMultChars


    CREATE FUNCTION udf_RemoveMultChars

    (@Pattern varchar(10), -- This is the pattern to search on. i.e. ' '

    @StringWithMultChars varchar(255), -- This is the string to have multiples removed

    @RemoveAll bit) -- Set to 1 if you want all instances of the pattern removed

    RETURNS varchar(255)



    declare @ReplacementString varchar(10),

    @SearchPattern varchar(20)

    If @RemoveAll = 0


    -- remove all instances of the pattern but one.

    set @ReplacementString = @Pattern

    set @SearchPattern = @Pattern+@Pattern




    -- To remove all instances of a pattern set @ReplacmentPattern = ''

    set @ReplacementString = ''

    set @SearchPattern = @Pattern


    while CHARINDEX(@SearchPattern, @StringWithMultChars) <> 0


    set @StringWithMultChars = replace(@StringWithMultChars, @SearchPattern, @ReplacementString)


    RETURN @StringWithMultChars



    -- =============================================

    -- Example to execute function

    -- =============================================

    SELECT dbo.udf_RemoveMultChars

    (' ', 'asdf asdf asdf asdf', 1)


    "I met Larry Niven at ConClave 27...AND I fixed his computer. How cool is that?"
    (Memoirs of a geek)

  • That's to complicated. This works beautifuly.

    declare @String varchar(255)

    set @String = 'Have a nice day'

    While 1 = 1


    set @String = replace(@String, ' ', '')

    IF charindex(' ', @String) = 0 Break


    select @String

    Signature is NULL

  • Question. If you are replacing all the spaces with no space with the command "replace(@String, ' ', '')", then why do you need the while loop, with the break logic? Isn't this code even simpler?

    declare @String varchar(255)

    set @String = 'Have a nice day'

    set @String = replace(@String, ' ', '')

    select @string

    This code even works if there is more than a single space between each word.

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • Well, color me red! Uh, yeah, no need for a loop; for some reason I was thinking double spaces would need it.



    Signature is NULL

  • True, Calvin's and Greg's code is simpler but less flexible.

    What if you only wanted to to delete multiple spaces?


    'Have a nice day!' to

    'Have a nice day!'

    "I met Larry Niven at ConClave 27...AND I fixed his computer. How cool is that?"
    (Memoirs of a geek)

  • Now why did the multiple spaces get removed?

    'Have___a__Nice_day!' to


    When I wrote this originally I was scrubbing some data that had a ton of problems like this. It had been converted by several someone elses before me and they had concatinated a bunch of fields with little to no regard for spacing.

    "I met Larry Niven at ConClave 27...AND I fixed his computer. How cool is that?"
    (Memoirs of a geek)

  • Well, in this case you WOULD need a loop 🙂

    It seem like the extra whitespaces are being stripped out of the HTML. Is that a bug?

    declare @String varchar(255)

    --The string below has multiple whitespaces

    set @String = 'Have a nice day'

    While 1 = 1


    --this replaces all 2 concurrent whitespaces with 1

    set @String = replace(@String, ' ', ' ')

    --If no 2 whitespaces together, break

    IF charindex(' ', @String) = 0 Break


    select @String

    PS: Nice webpage, Greg. I'll have to play around with that ROLLUP function; I've read about it but never really seen it in practical code.

    Signature is NULL

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