Happy Holidays

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Happy Holidays

  • Seasons Greetings to all

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  • Woohoo - awesome steaks for the holidays

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Happy Christmas to All.

    Also nice question for the holidays and yes i got the points. 😀

  • Happy Christmas to all - thanks Steve for an easy point

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    There are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand (the world). There is no such thing as a dumb question. ― Carl Sagan
    I would never join a club that would allow me as a member - Groucho Marx

  • That's a good idea: a beefsteak of reindeer.

  • I didn't even look past turkey, yum

  • I have complained before about the fact that many of your non-SQLserver questions are far too centred on the American and assumes that everyone is American and lives in the USA.

    Turkey is a valid answer, so you are absolutely incorrect in not allowing a point for selecting it.

    I have never been quite sure of exactly what is meant by "Thanksgiving" but rest assured, our standard food fare at Christmas is turkey. Maybe Goose is a distant second. Please put this information into your database for future reference.

    So there! Happy Christmas (and be damned with the expression "Happy Holidays"!).

    Kenneth Spencer

    You never know: reading my book: "All about your computer" might just tell you something you never knew!

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  • Stuart Davies (12/23/2011)

    Happy Christmas to all - thanks Steve for an easy point

    That's funny, I got 7 points, even though in the UK we associate a turkey with Christmas as much as a reindeer, common sense prevailed 😀

  • I'm with Kenneth on this one.

    Here in the UK we'd definitely associate Turkey rather than Reindeer.

    That said, its only a bit of fun, so can live with missing out on those points 😉

    Merry Christmas all!

  • We in The Netherlands have to take some America history lessons. I thought you're all eating turkey this weekend..... apparently its has to be reindeer... 🙂

  • I wonder if Italians eat Reindeer too? We'd have to get an answer from Venice on that.

    MCSA SQL Server 2012

  • Happy Christmas to all

  • I think they don't mean that people will "eat reindeers" over the weekend but more likely it's associated with Santa Claus's transportation. 😀

    But it took me a while to dismiss turkey as a valid answer although we Brazilians usually eat turkeys on the New Year's Eve but not on the Christmas Eve.

    Best regards,

    Best regards,

    Andre Guerreiro Neto

    Database Analyst

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