Having alerts send e-mails conundrum

  • I am currently working on setting up alerts based on certain errors to send emails immediately.

    For testing purposes now, I am monitoring the following error:

    14265: The MSSQLServer service terminated unexpectedly

    I first ran exec sp_altermessage 14265, 'WITH_LOG', 'true', then created my alert to look for that error number. In the response tab, I have it running a job that sends out an email alert via xp_sendmail (not using SQL Mail for now).

    However, when I type: raiserror(14265, 25, 127) WITH LOG, the error is raised and written to the log file. But I get this result:

    Server: Msg 14265, Level 25, State 127, Line 1

    The MSSQLServer service terminated unexpectedly.

    Connection Broken

    Any reasons why the job is not going out? When I run the email job on it's own, it works.


    Gaby A.

    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

  • Assuming SQL 2000, you must already have SQL Mail set up anyway ... you also have to initiate the SQL Mail session first using xp_startmail, and terminate the session afterwards with xp_stopmail.

    In this case, you might as well just set up SQL Agent Mail and send the email directly from the response action to the alert. The main advantage of using xp_sendmail is that the content can be generated dynamically using a query.

    Unfortunately, SQL Agent Mail requires the installation of parts of Outlook on the server and it needs an Exchange (or other MAPI-compliant) server to talk to. I assume the unpopularity of this solution is why Microsoft decided to move to the SMTP-compatible Database Mail in SQL 2005 and later.

  • John Reid (1/27/2009)

    Assuming SQL 2000, you must already have SQL Mail set up anyway ... you also have to initiate the SQL Mail session first using xp_startmail, and terminate the session afterwards with xp_stopmail.

    In this case, you might as well just set up SQL Agent Mail and send the email directly from the response action to the alert. The main advantage of using xp_sendmail is that the content can be generated dynamically using a query.

    Unfortunately, SQL Agent Mail requires the installation of parts of Outlook on the server and it needs an Exchange (or other MAPI-compliant) server to talk to. I assume the unpopularity of this solution is why Microsoft decided to move to the SMTP-compatible Database Mail in SQL 2005 and later.

    Thanks for the advice and it has helped, definitely. I'm trying a more benign message, 17162: SQL Server is starting at priority class '%1'(%2!d! %3 detected), that is generated when the server restarts.

    When I run a raiserror(17162, 10, 127) from query analyzer, the alert triggers the job which sends the e-mail. But when I shutdown and restart the server, the custom alert doesn't seem to be triggered, even though the 'SQL Server is starting...' message shows up in the log.

    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

  • Is it possible that the Agent hasn't yet started at that point?

  • John Reid (1/27/2009)

    Is it possible that the Agent hasn't yet started at that point?

    Hmmm, I was wondering that. Now I'm hunting for a way to trap the last step that occurs in the errorlog when the Agent starts: Using 'xpsqlbot.dll' version '2000.80.2039' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_qv'. If I trap this, then I'll have been able to catch a server restart and the appropriate DBA on duty could get paged immediately.

    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

  • If your objective is only to send an email alert when SQL starts, and assuming you also have SQL Server Agent set to start automatically, you could set up a job with a schedule of "Start automatically when SQL Server Agent starts" and use the normal SQL Mail to send the notification "Whenever the job completes".

  • John Reid (1/28/2009)

    If your objective is only to send an email alert when SQL starts, and assuming you also have SQL Server Agent set to start automatically, you could set up a job with a schedule of "Start automatically when SQL Server Agent starts" and use the normal SQL Mail to send the notification "Whenever the job completes".

    You know, I should have thought about that. I could tie it in with sp_readerrorlog for example and have the email send out whether it was a normal restart or an unscheduled one.


    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

  • I merely stand on the shoulders of giants: 🙂

    Auto notification for failover of a server and restart of SQL Server services

    That describes a solution for SLQ2K5 but the principle is the same ... the job could be anything as long as the notification gets triggered.

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