help make query faster please with an index

  • rsRecordset.Open


    rsRecordset3.Open "SELECT AVG(s.ESDSTotal) AS ESDSTotal FROM dbo.DemandSpread s INNER JOIN (SELECT MAX(s1.[TimeStamp]) AS MaxTimeStamp FROM dbo.DemandSpread s1) d ON s.[TimeStamp] BETWEEN DATEADD(mi, -1, d.MaxTimeStamp) AND d.MaxTimeStamp", gcnConnect

    I think i need to setup and index, as this database gets larger my queries get slower

    how can i set sql up to only look at data in the last lines of the data base as its all timestamped i only need rto look at the last fewlines, well 60 lines, but i search the whole data bases on this and it gets really slow

  • You would have to build this directly on your db as this is depending of your records; my suggestion is to run the query in Management Studio, then Tools->Database Tuning Advisor; And a recommendation, do not run this directly on your production db, instead create a copy.


  • take a look at your WHERE statement:


    because this query is keying off of the TIMESTAMP column, it would greatly benefit from having an index on it.

    that would change your execution plan from a  slow TABLE SCAN to a faster INDEX SCAN or INDEX SEEK;




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  • so i execute that query inside sql server only once?

    can i create a index without a t-sql statement?

    nad how will that change my query to search?

  • I am running a few queries from excel into sql on a timed bases i open and close each one before the next, how does an index work over a timestamp?

  • 1) You only need to create an index once. 

    2) You can do this via a query (create index..) or using the GUI (i.e. sql server management studio)

    3) All subsequent queries on that table can and will have access to the index automatically.  In fact, all queries that reference that timestamp column will automatically have their query plans redone the first time they are called after the index is created.

    4) Be aware that if your data is updated frequently the timestamp value changes each time and the index will become fragmented.  However, since the timestamp is constantly increasing in value you should use a fill factor of 100%.  You will still need to do routine maintenance to defrag the tail area of the index.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • ok thanks

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