Help needed in combining result

  • Hi, please find the below sample data and expected result

    Declare @table table(Name varchar(200),Zipcode varchar(10),State varchar(10),City varchar(50))

    Declare @ExpectedOutput table(Zipcode varchar(10),State varchar(10),City varchar(50),Name varchar(max))

    insert into @table(Zipcode,Name,State,City)

    select 1000 as zip, 'Test1' as store,'NY' as state,'New york' as City union all

    select 1000 as zip, 'Test2' as store,'NY' as state,'New york' as City union all

    select 1000 as zip, 'Test3' as store,'NY' as state,'New york' as City union all

    select 1000 as zip, 'Test4' as store,'NY' as state,'New york' as City union all

    select 1001 as zip, 'Test5' as store,'NY' as state,'Buffalo' as City union all

    select 1001 as zip, 'Test6' as store,'NY' as state,'Buffalo' as City union all

    select 1001 as zip, 'Test7' as store,'NY' as state,'Buffalo' as City union all

    select 1001 as zip, 'Test8' as store,'NY' as state,'Buffalo' as City

    insert into @ExpectedOutput(Zipcode,Name,State,City)

    select 1001 as zip, 'Test1,Test2,Test3,Test4' as store,'NY' as state,'New York' as City union all

    select 1001 as zip, 'Test5,Test6,Test7,Test8' as store,'NY' as state,'Buffalo' as City

    select * from @table

    select * from @ExpectedOutput

    basically i need to combine the name as comma seperated based on City,state, zip. Any sample query please

  • KGJ-Dev (7/24/2015)

    Hi, please find the below sample data and expected result

    Declare @table table(Name varchar(200),Zipcode varchar(10),State varchar(10),City varchar(50))

    Declare @ExpectedOutput table(Zipcode varchar(10),State varchar(10),City varchar(50),Name varchar(max))

    insert into @table(Zipcode,Name,State,City)

    select 1000 as zip, 'Test1' as store,'NY' as state,'New york' as City union all

    select 1000 as zip, 'Test2' as store,'NY' as state,'New york' as City union all

    select 1000 as zip, 'Test3' as store,'NY' as state,'New york' as City union all

    select 1000 as zip, 'Test4' as store,'NY' as state,'New york' as City union all

    select 1001 as zip, 'Test5' as store,'NY' as state,'Buffalo' as City union all

    select 1001 as zip, 'Test6' as store,'NY' as state,'Buffalo' as City union all

    select 1001 as zip, 'Test7' as store,'NY' as state,'Buffalo' as City union all

    select 1001 as zip, 'Test8' as store,'NY' as state,'Buffalo' as City

    insert into @ExpectedOutput(Zipcode,Name,State,City)

    select 1001 as zip, 'Test1,Test2,Test3,Test4' as store,'NY' as state,'New York' as City union all

    select 1001 as zip, 'Test5,Test6,Test7,Test8' as store,'NY' as state,'Buffalo' as City

    select * from @table

    select * from @ExpectedOutput

    basically i need to combine the name as comma seperated based on City,state, zip. Any sample query please

    I'm not sure I can see a practical application for the expected output to contain 1001 for both of the zipcode values, so I coded around that, as follows:

    DECLARE @table AS TABLE (

    [Name] varchar(200),

    Zipcode varchar(10),

    [State] varchar(10),

    City varchar(50)


    INSERT INTO @table (Zipcode, [Name], [State], City)

    SELECT 1000 AS zip, 'Test1' AS [Name],'NY' AS [State],'New york' AS City UNION ALL

    SELECT 1000 AS zip, 'Test2' AS [Name],'NY' AS [State],'New york' AS City UNION ALL

    SELECT 1000 AS zip, 'Test3' AS [Name],'NY' AS [State],'New york' AS City UNION ALL

    SELECT 1000 AS zip, 'Test4' AS [Name],'NY' AS [State],'New york' AS City UNION ALL

    SELECT 1001 AS zip, 'Test5' AS [Name],'NY' AS [State],'Buffalo' AS City UNION ALL

    SELECT 1001 AS zip, 'Test6' AS [Name],'NY' AS [State],'Buffalo' AS City UNION ALL

    SELECT 1001 AS zip, 'Test7' AS [Name],'NY' AS [State],'Buffalo' AS City UNION ALL

    SELECT 1001 AS zip, 'Test8' AS [Name],'NY' AS [State],'Buffalo' AS City;

    DECLARE @ExpectedOutput AS TABLE (

    Zipcode varchar(10),

    [State] varchar(10),

    City varchar(50),

    [Name] varchar(max)


    INSERT INTO @ExpectedOutput (Zipcode, [Name], [State], City)

    SELECT 1001 AS zip, 'Test1,Test2,Test3,Test4' AS [Name],'NY' AS [State],'New York' AS City UNION ALL

    SELECT 1001 AS zip, 'Test5,Test6,Test7,Test8' AS [Name],'NY' AS [State],'Buffalo' AS City;

    SELECT * FROM @table

    SELECT * FROM @ExpectedOutput

    SELECT T.Zipcode, T.[State], T.City,



    SELECT ', ' + [Name]

    FROM @table AS T2

    WHERE T2.[State] = T.[State]

    AND T2.City = T.City

    AND T2.Zipcode = T.Zipcode

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ), 1, 2, '') AS [Name]

    FROM @table AS T

    GROUP BY T.Zipcode, T.[State], T.City

  • thanks Steve and to avoid & charecter issue, slightly modified your query. Thanks for your base query





    STUFF(t2.[Name],1,1,'') AS [Name]


    (SELECT DISTINCT zipCode, [State], City FROM @table) t1





    SELECT ',' + [Name]

    FROM @table t2

    WHERE t2.Zipcode = t1.zipcode

    AND t2.State = t1.State

    AND t2.City = t2.City

    ORDER BY [Name]



    ) t2 ([Name]);

  • You're welcome. It's always good to see how the query you provide gets used, and even better when you get a good idea on why the original poster needed to make changes. You never know what you might learn in the process.

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