help to format query using table alias

  • I want to generate SSRS report for that i need to select

    3 values PreviousNAV, TodaysNAV ,(TodaysNAV - PreviousNAV)

    now i can get these values using following queries but i want to use

    table alias for more simplicity please help..

    SELECT ISNULL(@PreviousNAV,0) PreviousNAV

    FROM Fireball..NAV

    WHERE Date = @StartDate and PortfolioId = @PortfolioId

    SELECT ISNULL(@TodaysNAV,0) TodaysNAV

    FROM Fireball..NAV

    WHERE Date = @EndDate and PortfolioId = @PortfolioId

    SELECT (TodaysNAV - PreviousNAV) -- please correct if if i'm wrong here

  • Not sure why you think a table alias will simplify things for you, can you explain more?

    Some general ideas you may want to consider..

    The AS keyword before an alias name is syntactically optional but in my view aids readability and also helps protect against inadvertently missing a comma in the list of columns, it can be very easy to mean to type two column names, and instead get a query that treats what should have been a column name as a column alias. I really wish AS had been made mandatory, after all it does not take long to type.

    Calculating the difference can easily be done as an expression in the report, so you could just return the two components form the query and do the sums in SSRS. Makes little difference in this case I suspect.

    Mike John

  • Given that both queries return exactly one row, you have two options:

    1) Use variables:

    DECLARE @PreviousNAV decimal(21,6)

    DECLARE @TodaysNAV decimal(21,6)

    SELECT @PreviousNAV = ISNULL(@PreviousNAV,0) PreviousNAV

    FROM Fireball..NAV

    WHERE Date = @StartDate and PortfolioId = @PortfolioId

    SELECT @TodaysNAV = ISNULL(@TodaysNAV,0) TodaysNAV

    FROM Fireball..NAV

    WHERE Date = @EndDate and PortfolioId = @PortfolioId

    SELECT (@TodaysNAV - @PreviousNAV)

    2) Use a CTE:

    WITH Previous AS (

    SELECT ISNULL(@PreviousNAV,0) PreviousNAV

    FROM Fireball..NAV

    WHERE Date = @StartDate and PortfolioId = @PortfolioId


    Todays AS (

    SELECT ISNULL(@TodaysNAV,0) TodaysNAV

    FROM Fireball..NAV

    WHERE Date = @EndDate and PortfolioId = @PortfolioId


    SELECT (TodaysNAV - PreviousNAV)

    FROM Previous

    CROSS JOIN Todays

    You have more options indeed, but I think these are the most simple ones IMHO.

    If your queries return multiple rows, please define join criteria and I'll try to help.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • hi

    i have added dataset into my ssrs report SP but now..

    problem is

    only 'PreviousNAV' field is coming ...


    my SP having select queries like this..


    FROM Fireball..NAV

    WHERE Date = @StartDate and PortfolioId = @PortfolioId


    FROM Fireball..NAV

    WHERE Date = @EndDate and PortfolioId = @PortfolioId

    please let me know how can i use table alias so that i got both 2 fields??

  • ashuthinks (9/23/2011)


    i have added dataset into my ssrs report SP but now..

    problem is

    only 'PreviousNAV' field is coming ...


    my SP having select queries like this..


    FROM Fireball..NAV

    WHERE Date = @StartDate and PortfolioId = @PortfolioId


    FROM Fireball..NAV

    WHERE Date = @EndDate and PortfolioId = @PortfolioId

    please let me know how can i use table alias so that i got both 2 fields??

    A table alias won't help. If you want both columns, select them both.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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