Help With DateTime Values

  • I'm trying to figure out the simplist way to determine that 2:00 AM Is Between

    8:00 PM and 3:59 AM.

    For Example, I want a stored proc or a function that would return row 3 if I passed in 2:00 AM:

     1   4:00:00 AM   11:59:59 AM

     2  12:00:00 PM   7:59:59 PM

     3   8:00:00 PM     3:59:59 AM



  • I would try something like:

    I used @time for an example based on getdate(), yous would be much simpler to use.

    Select row_id from table

    where (select cast(datepart(hh,@time)as varchar)+':'+cast(datepart(mi,@time)as varchar)) <TIME_COL1 and (select cast(datepart(hh,@time)as varchar)+':'+cast(datepart(mi,@time)as varchar))>TIME_COL2

  • How is the time stored? If it's as varchar forget it. VARCHAR is a string value and strings are ordered (sorted) alphanumerically.








    This is why dates and times should always be stored as DATETIME data types, even if it means using a default date or time.


  • create function dbo.DateRow(@DATEIN DateTime)

    returns int



    declare @RETVAL int

    declare @THEDAY DateTime

    -- truncate supplied date for the day in question

    set @THEDAY=cast(convert(varchar(11),@DATEIN,113) as DateTime)

    set @RETVAL=

    case when

    @DATEIN <  dateadd(Hour,4,@THEDAY) or

    @DATEIN >= dateadd(Hour,20,@THEDAY) then 3 

    else case when

    @DATEIN < dateadd(Hour,12,@THEDAY) then 1  

    else 2                                     

    end end



  • Here's an approach that will handle the shifts more generically -- for instance, if the shift hours change you'll change the shift table, not the SQL code.

    Logical Design:

    1. Think of the problem based on a 24 hour clock:

      1 04:00:00 11:59:59

      2 12:00:00 19:59:59

      3 20:00:00 03:59:59

    2.To express all of your shifts with start time less than end time, break

    shift 3 into 2 parts:

      1 04:00:00 11:59:59

      2 12:00:00 19:59:59

      3 20:00:00 23:59:59

      3 00:00:00 03:59:59

    Physical Design:

    3. Define the shift times as DATETIME. Here's a table that meets those requirements:

      CREATE TABLE [dbo].[aa_shifts] (

        [shift_iid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

        [shift_cd] [char] (1) NULL ,

        [start_tm] [datetime] NULL ,

        [end_tm] [datetime] NULL

      ) ON [PRIMARY]



    4. Fill it:

      INSERT INTO dbo.aa_shifts (shift_cd,start_tm,end_tm) VALUES('1','04:00:00','11:59:59')

      INSERT INTO dbo.aa_shifts (shift_cd,start_tm,end_tm) VALUES('2','12:00:00','19:59:59')

      INSERT INTO dbo.aa_shifts (shift_cd,start_tm,end_tm) VALUES('3','20:00:00','23:59:59')

      INSERT INTO dbo.aa_shifts (shift_cd,start_tm,end_tm) VALUES('3','00:00:00','03:59:59')

    5. Display it: SELECT shift_cd,start_tm,end_tm FROM dbo.aa_shifts

      1   1900-01-01 04:00:00.000 1900-01-01 11:59:59.000

      2   1900-01-01 12:00:00.000 1900-01-01 19:59:59.000

      3   1900-01-01 20:00:00.000 1900-01-01 23:59:59.000

      3   1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 1900-01-01 03:59:59.000

    Important note: SQL Server puts these "pure times" with a date of January 1, 1900.

    This is an important implementation detail.

    6. Handle the target time as a DATETIME.  In the worst case, it is a current date,

    and you'll have to convert it to a time on Jan 1, 1900.

    For example:

      DECLARE @now DATETIME, @basedate DATETIME, @time DATETIME

      SELECT @now = '11/30/2004 2 AM'

      PRINT @now


      Nov 30 2004  2:00AM


    7. Convert your current time to a pure time like this:

      SELECT @basedate = MIN(start_tm) FROM dbo.aa_shifts

      SELECT @time = dateadd(d,-datediff(d,@basedate,@now),@now)

      PRINT @time


      Jan  1 1900  2:00AM

    (*)Thanks to postings from Frank Kalis for insight into date and time arithmetic.

    8. Now you can select the correct shift code:

      SELECT  shift_cd FROM dbo.aa_shifts

      WHERE start_tm <= @time

        AND end_tm >= @time



    9. Here's the SQL; you can put it in a stored proc

      DECLARE @now DATETIME, @basedate DATETIME, @time DATETIME

      SELECT @now = '11/30/2004 2 AM' --getdate()

      SELECT @basedate = MIN(start_tm) FROM dbo.aa_shifts

      SELECT @time = dateadd(d,-datediff(d,@basedate,@now),@now)

      SELECT  shift_cd

      FROM dbo.aa_shifts

      WHERE start_tm <= @time

        AND end_tm >= @time 


    A long answer, but it was fun.


    Bob Monahon

  • One more way...

    --DROP TABLE dates


    CREATE TABLE dates (id int PRIMARY KEY, date1 datetime, date2 datetime)

    DECLARE @date datetime

    SET @date = '02:00 AM'


    INSERT dates VALUES (1, '4:00:00', '11:59:59')

    INSERT dates VALUES (2, '12:00:00', '19:59:59')

    INSERT dates VALUES (3, '20:00:00', '03:59:59')

    INSERT dates VALUES (4, '01:00:00', '03:59:59')


    SELECT id,

           CONVERT(varchar(12), date1, 108) AS StartTime,

           CONVERT(varchar(12), @date, 108) AS TimeToCheck,

           CONVERT(varchar(12), date2, 108) AS EndTime

      FROM dates

     WHERE ( CONVERT(varchar(12), @date, 108) BETWEEN CONVERT(varchar(12), date1, 108) AND CONVERT(varchar(12), date2, 108) )

        OR ( CONVERT(varchar(12), date1, 108) >= CONVERT(varchar(12), @date, 108)

             AND CONVERT(varchar(12), @date, 108) < CONVERT(varchar(12), date2, 108)

             AND CONVERT(varchar(12), date1, 108) >= CONVERT(varchar(12), date2, 108)



  • hmmmm. Complicated replies, indeed.

    The answer, as always, depends: This data, how it is stored? Properly or not?

    More information, you must provide.

  • Thank you all for your replies. 

    Thank you Bob for your very detailed response.  It sounds like you've encountered this issue before.

    Great solutions!

  • hmmm.

    Define a standard "base date", you might, then store times only you can. Hiding the date, a formatting issue it becomes, hmm?

    The following constraint, consider it you will:

    check (check (datediff(dd,0,TransTime) = 0)

    Using standard SQL Server "base date" of 1-1-1900, converted from the numeric value 0, Yoda is.

    Confuse not storage with presentation, even you, mighty Joe Celko. Strong with the force you are, but beware you will of tempations from the dark side!

  • More help needed.

    I again wanted to thank you all. 

    Yoda, its scary but I almost understood what you were talking about.

    Bob, magnificent job in following the clues. 

    You were able to deduce, correctly that this was a shift table and also, based on the Subject "Help with DateTime Values" that the times were in DateTime format.  Your solution works in returning the correct shift based on Time only, regardless of the date.

    My new question is this:

    My shift table is actually a dimension in a data warehouse.  Will having 2 records for the one shift with 2 seperate ID's affect my Analyisis Services CUBES? 

    What is the best way to Create a shift dimension based off of your design? 

    Thanks again, you people are great!

  • Re: Will having 2 records for the one shift with 2 seperate ID's affect my Analyisis Services CUBES? 

    Answer: Probably yes.

    Re: What is the best way to Create a shift dimension based off of your design? 

    Answer: Probably you'll need a view that collapses shift 3 back into one record.  Like this:

    SELECT shift_cd,

      MAX(start_tm) AS shift_start_tm,

      MIN(end_tm) AS shift_end_tm

    FROM aa_shifts

    GROUP BY shift_cd


    1   1900-01-01 04:00:00.000 1900-01-01 11:59:59.000

    2   1900-01-01 12:00:00.000 1900-01-01 19:59:59.000

    3   1900-01-01 20:00:00.000 1900-01-01 03:59:59.000


    Bob Monahon

  • Thanks again, Bob.  You are awesome!


  • Joe, you wrote:

    "[...] there is no such thing as a TIME datatype"

    Indeed, there is no such datatype in Microsoft SQL Server 2000. But this datatype IS defined by the SQL-92 standard (among the other time-related data types: DATE, TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL, etc). I am surprised to hear from YOU that. Can you tell us if in later versions of the SQL standard this datatype was removed ?


  • You're welcome, Peter. Glad to help.


    Bob Monahon

  • >Will having 2 records for the one shift with 2 seperate ID's affect my Analyisis Services CUBES? 

    Here's a bit of code where you will not have two records... most of the code is test and demonstration setup...

    --===== Supress auto-display of rowcounts


    --===== Declare the variable for and time to find the ID for


        SET @TimeToFind = '2:00:00 AM'

    --===== If temporary test table exists, drop it

         IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#TimeBlocks') IS NOT NULL

            DROP TABLE #TimeBlocks

    --===== Create the temporary test table

     CREATE TABLE #TimeBlocks


            ID INT,

            StartTime DATETIME,

            EndTime DATETIME


    --===== Populate the temporary test table with the start and endtimes for the blocks

     INSERT INTO #TimeBlocks

     SELECT 1, '4:00:00 AM' ,'11:59:59 AM' UNION ALL

     SELECT 2,'12:00:00 PM',  '7:59:59 PM' UNION ALL

     SELECT 3, '8:00:00 PM' , '3:59:59 AM'

    --===== Add 1 day to any EndTime that is less than the StartTime

         -- This is because those end times occur the next day in relation to the

         -- start time

     UPDATE #TimeBlocks

        SET EndTime = EndTime + 1

      WHERE EndTime < StartTime

    --===== Find the ID of the time block that 2:00:00 AM fits between


       FROM #TimeBlocks


              WHEN @TimeToFind < (SELECT MIN(StartTime) FROM #TimeBlocks)

              THEN @TimeToFind + 1

              ELSE @TimeToFIND


            BETWEEN StartTime AND EndTime

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

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