How to Pivot

  • How can I PIVOT this... All the columns and their count in two columns side by side.


    sum(case when t.Application_ID = 4 then 1 else 0 end) as 'AP Images',

    sum(case when t.Application_ID = 8 then 1 else 0 end) as 'AP Exchange',

    sum(case when t.Application_ID = 128 then 1 else 0 end) as 'AP Archive',

    sum(case when t.Application_ID in (4,8) then 1 else 0 end) as 'AP Images and AP Exchange',

    sum(case when t.Application_ID in (4,128) then 1 else 0 end) as 'AP Images and AP Archive',

    sum(case when t.Application_ID in (8,128) then 1 else 0 end) as 'AP Archive and AP Exchange',

    sum(case when t.Application_ID in (8,128,4) then 1 else 0 end) as 'AP Images AP Archive AP Exchange'

    from (

    select a.Application_ID,


    COUNT(*) count

    from tbl_MDMOrganizations mo (Nolock)

    inner join

    (select o.mdmid, o.Organization_ID, o.OrganizationType_ID from tbl_Organizations o (Nolock)

    inner join type_Organization t (Nolock) on o.OrganizationType_ID = t.OrganizationType_ID

    ---- Filter out anonymous and Internal

    where t.OrganizationType_ID not in (0, 1) and o.MDMID is not null ) o

    on mo.MDMID = o.MDMID and mo.Status = 1

    inner join map_Organization_Application moa (Nolock)

    on o.Organization_ID = moa.Organization_ID

    inner join tbl_Applications a (Nolock)

    on moa.Application_ID = a.Application_ID

    and a.Application_ID in (4, 8, 128)

    group by a.Application_ID, mo.MDMOrganizationName

    ) t

  • Please don't cross post. Direct all replies to the original thread.


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