Import from Access to SQL Server

  • Hi,

    I want to import an Ms Access database (secured) , using the import and export tool but I have the following error message "Unexpected error occurred. The provider has returned an error result without an error message".

    Note: When I remove the password from the MS Access DB, the import work properly.

    Thanks for your Help

  • I'm gonna say the old adage :


    If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


    But I'm also gonna ask where do you remove the password from?

  • Hi,

    First thanks.

    MS Access passord, just open the databse in exlusive mode.

    Open MS Access, choose the databse, right click on the open button  and choose open exclusive.

    Enter the password and open the database.

    Go to the menu Tools/security and unset the database password enter the actual password and it will be fine the database will be unprotected.



  • I'm not sure I'm following you.  Do you still need help with this problem??


    If you do, where did you put the password and how did you try to import the data from the access db?

  • No thanks it's ok.


  • Probably worth noting for this forum that there's a myriad of ways of scuring your Access database IIRC.

    A typical way is to put a password litterally on the database - this is akin to password protecting your word document - not really very secure, and only useful if you're the user, as it opens the database completely when entered. Cheap option though! (I suspect that's what was going on here).

    Then there's more like NT user permissions, though it's not as easy as all that in my experience, but essentially it's users and groups and you can set permissions on tables etc. Good luck.

    Then there's the old MDE file - that's just locking it down by removing a wedge of functionality, good for stable database situations (you can't edit the back end).

    And if you're a bit like me and you can't be arsed with a lot of that, then you can use a mix of MDE, file permissions and linked tables to get things nicely secure without messing about with the access user groups.



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