last 6 months data

  • Hi,

    Below is my table structure,

    Table Name : MemberVisit

    Columns: Id,Visiteddate,PutchaseAmount

    sample data:

    select * from(

    select 1 as Id,'2014-01-13' as Visiteddate,20 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2014-01-12' as Visiteddate,10 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2014-01-02' as Visiteddate,40 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-12-12' as Visiteddate,70 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-12-02' as Visiteddate,90 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-11-11' as Visiteddate,100 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-11-02' as Visiteddate,30 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-10-18' as Visiteddate,70 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-10-03' as Visiteddate,120 as PutchaseAmount) MemberVisit


    have to get the last 6 months data(including current month as one of the month)

    my required output:

    Month PurchaseAmount(Average)

    Jan 24

    Dec 80

    Nov 65

    Oct 85

    Sep 0

    Aug 0

    Any sample query please

  • I won't get to the exact data you posted as expected output, but I suppose it's not correct and you just included some numbers.

    Here's an option.

    select DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, Visiteddate), 0), --Will return first day of each month to have one row per month

    AVG( PutchaseAmount)


    select 1 as Id,CAST('2014-01-13' AS date) as Visiteddate,20 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2014-01-12' as Visiteddate,10 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2014-01-02' as Visiteddate,40 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-12-12' as Visiteddate,70 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-12-02' as Visiteddate,90 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-11-11' as Visiteddate,100 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-11-02' as Visiteddate,30 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-10-18' as Visiteddate,70 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-10-03' as Visiteddate,120 as PutchaseAmount) MemberVisit

    WHERE Visiteddate >= DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, GETDATE()) - 5, 0) -- last 6 months including the current one.

    AND Visiteddate <= DATEADD( DD, -1, DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, GETDATE()) + 1, 0)) --include all current month (might need a change if you use time in Visiteddate)

    GROUP BY DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, Visiteddate), 0)

    This query will only include months with data.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • I might be taking this a little too simplistic - but I have the code below which will get you your averages by year and month - then just join that to a table of months/years to get the proper output. I got different values for my averages than your desired out put though..


    DATEPART(YEAR, Visiteddate) AS yr,

    DATEPART(MONTH, Visiteddate) AS mo,




    select 1 as Id,'2014-01-13' as Visiteddate,20 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2014-01-12' as Visiteddate,10 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2014-01-02' as Visiteddate,40 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-12-12' as Visiteddate,70 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-12-02' as Visiteddate,90 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-11-11' as Visiteddate,100 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-11-02' as Visiteddate,30 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-10-18' as Visiteddate,70 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-10-03' as Visiteddate,120 as PutchaseAmount) MemberVisit


    DATEPART(YEAR, Visiteddate),

    DATEPART(MONTH, Visiteddate)


    I long for a job where my databases dont have any pesky users accessing them 🙂

  • [edit: double posted - sorry!]


    I long for a job where my databases dont have any pesky users accessing them 🙂

  • hi Torpkev,

    thanks for your reply. actually the avg gives in terms of decimal. i just rounded and shown as result.

    But on your query where is the condition to get the last 6 months data. i just gave the sample data for 6 months. my table has data for a years.

    so if i run the query i need to get last 6 months data. Can you please

  • born2achieve (1/29/2014)

    hi Torpkev,

    thanks for your reply. actually the avg gives in terms of decimal. i just rounded and shown as result.

    But on your query where is the condition to get the last 6 months data. i just gave the sample data for 6 months. my table has data for a years.

    so if i run the query i need to get last 6 months data. Can you please

    I just love being ignored :Whistling:

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Hi Luis,

    Could you please tell me what do you mean by "I just love being ignored". Does it mean that ignoring this thread.........

  • Luis posted a full solution a few seconds before I did including the 6 month limitation


    I long for a job where my databases dont have any pesky users accessing them 🙂

  • It means that you ignored the first reply to your post made by me.

    While I'm here, do you want to include a validation to include months without data?

    You could easily do it with a calendar table or we could create one on the fly for this.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Opps My bad, i din't watch the Luis reply.

    Hi Luis, Apologize for my mistake. below is the query which i tweaked from yours.

    select convert(varchar(3),datename(month, Visiteddate)) as validdate , --Will return first day of each month to have one row per month

    AVG( PutchaseAmount)


    select 1 as Id,CAST('2014-01-13' AS date) as Visiteddate,20 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2014-01-12' as Visiteddate,10 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2014-01-02' as Visiteddate,40 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-12-12' as Visiteddate,70 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-12-02' as Visiteddate,90 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-11-11' as Visiteddate,100 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-11-02' as Visiteddate,30 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-10-18' as Visiteddate,70 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-10-03' as Visiteddate,120 as PutchaseAmount) MemberVisit

    WHERE Visiteddate >= DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, GETDATE()) - 5, 0) -- last 6 months including the current one.

    AND Visiteddate <= DATEADD( DD, -1, DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, GETDATE()) + 1, 0)) --include all current month (might need a change if you use time in Visiteddate)

    GROUP BY convert(varchar(3),datename(month, Visiteddate))

    i would like to include 0 if no purchase amount found for the month.

    August and September there is no data. so i would like to show 0 purchase amount for those months. Any clue please . The query has to produce 6 rows as like below

    Dec 80

    Jan 23

    Nov 65

    Oct 95

    sep 0

    Aug 0

    also how to make this order by month because the output has to be

    Jan 23

    Dec 80

    Nov 65

    Oct 95

    sep 0

    Aug 0

    Any help please

  • As I told you, you can build a "calendar table" on the fly. This will work for 6 months, but you may need to increase it if the requirement changes. Depending on the date range you might want to use a complete tally table (or cte).

    Note that we have the information to group by month in the CTE and we just use a LEFT JOIN (you could use a RIGHT JOIN if you prefer) to get all the months even if there's no data.


    --From here to the next comment there's just sample data

    MemberVisit AS(

    select 1 as Id,CAST('2014-01-13' AS date) as Visiteddate,20 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2014-01-12' as Visiteddate,10.0 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2014-01-02' as Visiteddate,40 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-12-12' as Visiteddate,70 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-12-02' as Visiteddate,90 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-11-11' as Visiteddate,100 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-11-02' as Visiteddate,30 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-10-18' as Visiteddate,70 as PutchaseAmount

    union all

    select 1 as Id,'2013-10-03' as Visiteddate,120 as PutchaseAmount


    --Here ends the sample data and the solution starts

    Months AS(

    SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, GETDATE()) - N, 0), 6),8) month_name,

    DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, GETDATE()) - N, 0) startdate,

    DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, GETDATE()) - N + 1, 0) enddate

    FROM (VALUES(5),(4),(3),(2),(1),(0)) x(N)


    select mon.month_name,

    ISNULL( AVG( mem.PutchaseAmount), 0)

    from Months mon

    LEFT JOIN MemberVisit mem ON mem.Visiteddate >= mon.startdate

    AND mem.Visiteddate < mon.enddate

    GROUP BY mon.month_name,


    ORDER BY mon.startdate DESC

    EDIT: Moved the Sample data to the CTE

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thank you Genius. Really it helped me a lot. trying to understand the query and having tiny doubt that how the year is getting displayed along with the month name. if i want to remove displaying year what should i do?

    Also if i don't want to consider the current month data and my desired output as

    month_name Amount

    Dec 13 80.000000

    Nov 13 65.000000

    Oct 13 95.000000

    Sep 13 0.000000

    Aug 13 0.000000

    July 0

    where should i change.

    If am not wrong that i need to change the below area. but bit confused about what to change

    DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, GETDATE()) - N, 0) startdate,

    DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, GETDATE()) - N + 1, 0) enddate

  • You could just change the month_name column definition to your original code using datename.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • to remove the current month data i tweaked the logix and it works fine

    SELECT right(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, GETDATE()) - N, 0), 6),8) month_name,

    DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, GETDATE()) - N, 0) startdate,

    DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, GETDATE()) - N + 1, 0) enddate

    FROM (VALUES (6),(5),(4),(3),(2),(1)) x(N)

    only area is to remove the year from the month while display.

    From your previous reply you meant to say something should i do on the below line?

    SELECT right(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF( MM, 0, GETDATE()) - N, 0), 6),8) month_name,

    Not sure what should i change. any suggestions please

  • You previously posted a way to use only the month without the year.

    Here's another way.


    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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