Living Up To Your Word

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Living Up To Your Word

  • This is definitely a big theme through my career. Trust is very easy to lose and tough to regain. If you can't be sure don't promise.

    I'm not the cleverest or the best or even the most hard working but I do get what I've said I'd do - done! No quibbling, no weaselling. If possible add a bit more  and delight people. It's worked well for me so far.

  • It's good to pass along this information.  This is one of the great advantages of our technical age.

    We use a website called lots.  If you aren't familiar, it allows localized communications by geographical location where folks share their experiences with products and service providers with MOSTLY straight forward reviews and comments.

    I agree on the importance of follow-through in commitments we make.

    This is also one of the good features of and why we do so much business with Amazon.  Almost everything we purchase there is returnable without question, and mostly with free shipping.  I would think this approach has contributed a lot to their growth and popularity.


    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

  • call.copse wrote:

    This is definitely a big theme through my career. Trust is very easy to lose and tough to regain. If you can't be sure don't promise.

    I'm not the cleverest or the best or even the most hard working but I do get what I've said I'd do - done! No quibbling, no weaselling. If possible add a bit more  and delight people. It's worked well for me so far.

    It's worked for me as well. I often will decline things if I'm not sure I can get there. Way better than saying "yes" and then not being able to deliver.

  • skeleton567 wrote:

    It's good to pass along this information.  This is one of the great advantages of our technical age.

    We use a website called lots.

    A double-edged sword, but I do like that we can share. The challenge these days is sometimes too much info to wade through and lots of false or misleading information. I like NextDoor, and hate it. Some good reviews, and I try to share info with others, but dislike the whining that seems to pervade the posts at times. Also, lots of people being worse versions of themselves.

    I like Amazon as well for the reasons you mentioned. The reliability. Ebay also stood out for me more than some other sites because they can provide some guarantees. I freely admit I didn't read the Monos FAQ closely enough, or the policy. I just feel they were deceitful in that they mimic the verbiage on TravelPro and Away's sites (which I did read) for their sales page, but then have a different policy on other pages.

    At this point, I would like a return from them, even with some handling fee or discount on the refund. I don't really want a second bag, which they offered.

    Mostly, I think others should be aware of their policy and I hope they don't get stuck like I did. Which is in a place where I feel they broke my trust.

  • "My word is my bond". Great motto, that. No goalpost-shifting allowed.


  • "We offer a 100-day trial on all our luggage. Take some time – make sure you’ve picked the perfect travel partner. If you don’t love it, send it back!"

    Just don't really use it like luggage. That would be bad, and we can't take it back if you do.


    Trying to figure out the world of SQL as marketing consultant for SQL Solutions Group

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