
  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Memory

  • Nice Question...

    Shiva N
    Database Consultant

  • Could you rephrase it to What is the recommended minimum memory requirement ...?

  • Minimum:

    Express Editions: 512 MB

    All other editions: 1 GB


    Express Editions: 1 GB

    All other editions: At least 4 GB and should be increased as database size increases to ensure optimal performance.

    Since the question didn't specify Express Edition there's really no answer that's completely correct.

    Just because you're right doesn't mean everybody else is wrong.

  • Rune Bivrin (11/14/2014)


    Express Editions: 512 MB

    All other editions: 1 GB


    Express Editions: 1 GB

    All other editions: At least 4 GB and should be increased as database size increases to ensure optimal performance.

    Since the question didn't specify Express Edition there's really no answer that's completely correct.


  • Once again an example of badly phrased question. Makes me think that an option to rephrase or un-publish should be provided.

  • +1 to the badly phrased question.

    I put none of the above because as with most things with SQL it depends.

    With the cost of RAM these days I would never run any computer (let alone one used for SQL) with less than 4GB of RAM, hell my current Dell work machine has 16GB.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Yeah, I also put "none of the above" because of the 4Gb recommended minimum for non-Express editions.

  • What a ridiculous answer!

    No edition was stated! If 1Gbyte was correct then so also was 4Gbyte.

    I think that once again, the moderators are asleep on the job!

    In frustration and annoyance

    Kenneth Spencer

    You never know: reading my book: "All about your computer" might just tell you something you never knew!

  • If you asked the question: "What is recommended memory requirement for SQL Server 2012?",

    why is the link that you provided go to the web page titled "Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2014"?

  • Gotta agree. Without an edition being stated, the answers change. Just saying SQL Server, I would assume the full product, then the minimum is 1gb, but the recommended is 4gb. And you used recommended on purpose to avoid the easy minimums answer.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Hi, its a misleading question - it asks for the recommended amount of memory, not the minimum - so the recommended amount would depend on the application requirements, so none of the above.....

  • Jo Pattyn (11/14/2014)

    Could you rephrase it to What is the recommended minimum memory requirement ...?

    The way I see it, "requirement" and "recommended" don't belong together.

    There is a minimum requirement.

    And then there is a minimum recommendation.

  • I'm agreement with others that the question ought to have been 'recommended minimum memory', hence my incorrect answer of 'none of the above'.

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