Migrating to a new server

  • I am interested in all tried and true methods for migrating SQL server 2000 to a new server.  Every 4 years our lease on our servers runs out and we are forced to migrate to a new box.




  • I tend to go with the plain old backup and restore method myself.

    If downtime is a problem then you can always do a full backup followed by a differential the night before the move and then transaction log backups during the day.  That way you get the full backup and possibly the differential one restored up front leaving a much smaller set of restores after.

    Then again, if downtime isn't too much of an issue then detach and re-attach are also workable solutions.

    Wow, I got in a post before Remi (he must have gone for a coffee or something )


  • Mike,

    With the detach and re-attach method how would you handle system databases master, temp, msdb and model. Also, how do you recommend transferring DTS packages as well as scheduled jobs.






  • Hi Jeff,

    Chris Hedgate has a good article on moving system databases.


    The DTS packages are held in the MSDB database so moving that will also move the DTS's at the same time.

    Hope this helps

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