Monitoring Changes in Your Database Using DDL Triggers

  • I am using SQL Server 2000, and the script for creating the Trigger doesn't work. I got "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Database'.". Is there any way I can apply this logic to SQL Server 2000?


  • don't think so

  • Unofrtunately DDL triggers are only available in SQL 2005 or higher.

  • HD,

    I really like the extra columns you have included for Database name, Object name, etc.

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Hi David,

    I like the idea of the article but had a problem when I put it on our developer machine

    after running your test the results I got from other developers came out like this:

    ID Command PostTime HostName LoginName

    1 UPDATE STATISTICS tbluser 2008-10-02T08:51:07.563 NSSLT5 NSSDEVSQL\rcsnslenzti

    2 CREATE TABLE dbo.Test(col INT) 2008-10-02T08:51:07.640 NSSLT5 NSSDEVSQL\rcsnslenzti

    3 DROP TABLE dbo.Test 2008-10-02T08:51:07.670 NSSLT5 NSSDEVSQL\rcsnslenzti





    8 ALTER TABLE dbo.tblVIFixes ADD test nchar(10) NULL 2008-10-02T11:47:51.767 NSSLT5 NSSDEVSQL\rcsnslenzti

    I ran a check by opening a table and adding a column test and then ran the query again. This gave me the newest line 8

    My question is what would give the --ENCRYPTED-- response?

    I hope to get this working to track changes undocumented by developers!



  • The enrcypted items are Create Statistics done by the server, and create function and stored procedure that are done by the system....

    I include the EventType from the XML, which makes it possible to query what a command was. Sample output, not all columns so as not to give anything away 🙂

    PostTime Event

    ---------------------------------------------------------------2006-12-06 13:15:47.173 CREATE_STATISTICS

    2006-12-06 13:15:47.203 CREATE_STATISTICS

    2006-12-14 11:51:59.950 ALTER_FUNCTION

    2006-12-17 04:17:27.270 ALTER_INDEX

    Above is just a small sample of course.... my table that stores this has 4.2 million records 🙂

    And yes, it has proved beyond valuable in tracking down changes in the system. Also in actually rolling back a change that was not checked into VSS.

  • Is this possible in MSDE version of SQL Server 2000 family?

  • Nice article, very well explained 🙂

  • naresh.rohra (10/2/2008)

    Is this possible in MSDE version of SQL Server 2000 family?

    DDL Triggers are only available in 2005 and above.

  • When I use this AuditLog table and view the data, most of the times I see --ENCRYPTED-- in command field.

    Can you please explain what does it mean?


  • The likely cause of ENCRYTPED is explained on a response on page 2.

  • If you wanted to live dangerously, you could implement something like this in SQL Server 2000, probably even MSDE, though I'm not sure I'd try it. Basically, at a minimum level, apply a trigger monitoring events in the sysobjects, syscolumns, and syscomments tables. Every object in a database has an entry in sysobjects. If it's a table, it will have one entry in syscolumns for every field in the table. If it's a view or stored procedure, it'll have an entry in syscomments (obviously if you encrypt your procs you won't see anything in clear text in the audit). You might also want to monitor sysforeignkeys, sysindexes, and sysindexkeys. Hey, what the heck! Go all the way and also monitor sysusers!

    The downside, obviously, is needing one trigger per table, and I don't know if the XML code that David provides in his article would work in 2000, you might have to write a custom trigger for each table. You might be able to get away with one audit table by coding the table name into the trigger, but that's still 20 triggers if you wanted to do all tables, at least on the DB that I'm looking at right now.

    I wouldn't recommend it because I'm not comfortable doing anything to system objects. Adding a trigger is somewhat non-intrusive: it's attached to the object, rather than modifying the object, but I'd still be uncomfortable about it. At the same time, these aren't events that fire on a frequent basis, even when you're developing a DB they're going to fire in spurts, so I don't think you'd take a big performance hit.

    Obviously if you were to do something like this you ought to experiment with a test system before even considering applying it to a production system.

    Oh, what the heck. I just installed SQL Server 2008 on my MacBook Pro, maybe I'll install 2000 on it tonight and play with system object triggers.... :hehe:

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

  • Oh, and David: excellent job! Nice code, short and fairly simple, good job describing it. Well done.

    We're 90ish% a 2000 shop, I set up our first two 2005 servers in the last few months and I've been intending to set up something like this. I look forward to seeing the results.

    Kudos to you, sir! 😀

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

  • Thanks for a fantastic DDL tracking tool. I wrote a similar one using server wide trigger auditing logon events.

    Is there a way to stop the deletes coming through as '--ENCRYPTED--' rather than the TSQL command?

    Thank you,


  • You might double-check your code, Joanna, the only time my audit table shows --ENCRYPTED-- is when I create an encrypted view. I assume it would do likewise for any other encrypted object. If I do this:

    create view vwPhoneList

    as select * from phonelist

    drop view vwPhoneList

    create view vwPhoneList

    with encryption

    as select * from PhoneList

    drop view vwPhoneList

    I see this:

    ID Command PostTime

    ----------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------

    6 create view vwPhoneList ... 2008-10-06T08:24:46.280

    7 drop view vwPhoneList 2008-10-06T08:25:02.827

    8 --ENCRYPTED-- 2008-10-06T08:25:23.283

    9 drop view vwPhoneList 2008-10-06T08:25:30.657

    (9 row(s) affected)

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

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