MSSQL hangs periodically after message that Report Server service cannot connect to the report server database

  • I am running SQL 2005 Standard SP2 on Windows 2003 SP1. Periodically the system application event log reports "Report Server Windows Service (MSSQLSERVER) cannot connect to the report server database." Soon thereafter (within an hour) the log begins to report "All schedulers on Node 0 appear deadlocked due to a large number of worker threads waiting on TRACEWRITE. Process Utilization 0%%." This essentially is an MSSQL hang, requiring the MSSQL service to be restarted.

    While Reporting Services is installed, it is not being used (yet). If the Report Server service is disabled, the problem goes away, but this is not a long-term solution if I want to make use of SSRS.

    Does anyone have any ideas about why this happens, and what do do about it?


  • Did you let the installer configure SSRS ?

    if so i would try to create an new SSRS database from within the SSRS configuration tool.

    I have had some problems with SSRS but never seen this problem be for. What i would also try is to create an seperate application pool in IIS for the SSRS.

    The dead locks indicate to me that some process is trying to do something in the SSRS database. You could also setup an profiler trace to see what the SSRS process is accessing and what it is doing when it gets the deadlocks.

    Mcitp Database Developer.

  • I removed Lumigent Log Explorer from this server, and the problem went away. I will put it back on after a month of stability to see what happens.


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