MYSQL Backups

  • Hello,

    Explain How to take backups in My SQL Server

    i) Command prompt

    ii) MYSQL administrator

    I have taken two backups but it don’t know whether it is correct or wrong.

    I) I open Administrator Menu fig.1

    ii) I am Entering the Server Host is localhost port No.3306 fig.2

    iii) Enter password

    iv) MySQL administrator window will be displayed. My database was BWTExperss , but how to select and how to take backup that project database has been Explained fig.3

    v) I push the BWTExpress database as same as in that fig.4

    After clicking the Execute backupnow button

    vi) Then the Execute Backup file will be stored in .sql Exception

    Please Explain How to create database backup file



  • This isn't a MySQL site, it's for Microsoft SQL Server. I'd suggest you post this somewhere like this

  • I didn't realize you double posted (bad)

    Your screen shots look correct. Give the projects a good name. Then test it by restoring your backup to a new database name ... "My_Database_Restore_Test" and verify all your tables and SPs are there.

  • Hi,

    You can use the "Data Protector for MySQL using IBM Tivoli Storage Manager".

    It is a GUI friendly backup and recovery solution.

    Regards Tomas

  • TRY using "Ahsay software" i am using it from long time and quite impressed with its working. so if you want to know more about the "Ahsay software" it actually gives backup and restoring too si i am leaving a link just go through the link and go through it.

  • If the backups are small (let's say up to couple of GBs) than you can proceed with a .sql file. The MySQL Workbench offers that via Server->Enterprise backup manager.

    But for bigger databases you'll have performance issues while restoring, ... and there are other ways.

    So as some proposed above, you'd better visit MySQL sites where you'll be given more precise answers.

    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

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