Need to merge data from two tables

  • Hi All,

    Please help me in Merging table :

    --------Dummy TABLE

    create table #Tbl1 (date1 date,WSH varchar(10),ITN int,Executions int)

    insert into #Tbl1 (date1 , WSH , ITN , Executions)

    select '20130202' ,'ABC', 1 , 100

    union all

    select '20130203' ,'DEF', 1 , 200


    create table #Tbl2 (date1 date,MCG int,Positions int)

    insert into #Tbl2 (date1 , MCG , Positions)

    select '20130202' , 2 , 500

    union all

    select '20130205' , 2 , 600

    SELECT * FROM #Tbl1

    SELECT * FROM #Tbl2

    ------SELECT available data FROM BOTH tables

    select COALESCE(t1.date1,t2.date1) as date,t1.wsh as wsh,t1.ITN,


    from #Tbl1 t1 full outer join #Tbl2 t2 on 1=0

    --DROP TABLE #Tbl1

    --DROP TABLE #Tbl2

    I want Result like this

    date1 WSH ITN Executions MCG Positions

    2013-02-02 ABC 1 100 2 500

    2013-02-03 DEF 1 200 NULL NULL

    2013-02-05 NULL NULL NULL 2 600


  • select COALESCE(t1.date1,t2.date1),

    t1.wsh as wsh,t1.ITN,


    from #Tbl1 t1 full outer join #Tbl2 t2 on t1.date1 = t2.date1

    Order by 1


    Mitesh Oswal


    Mitesh OSwal

  • Thanks Mitesh. 🙂

    I also find the way way to do it , but with MERGE : --

    DECLARE @tbl11 TABLE (date1 DATE ,WSH VARCHAR(3),ITN int ,Executions INT ,MCG INT , Positions INT )

    DECLARE @tbl22 TABLE (date1 DATE ,WSH VARCHAR(3),ITN int ,Executions INT ,MCG INT , Positions INT )

    INSERT INTO @tbl11

    SELECT date1 ,WSH ,ITN ,Executions,NULL AS MCG, NULL AS Positions FROM #tbl1

    INSERT INTO @tbl22

    SELECT date1 ,CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR(10)) as WSH ,NULL AS ITN ,NULL Executions, MCG, Positions FROM #tbl2

    SELECT * FROM @tbl11

    SELECT * FROM @tbl22

    MERGE @tbl11 AS t1

    USING (SELECT date1 ,WSH ,ITN ,Executions, MCG, Positions FROM @tbl22) AS t2

    ON t1.date1 = t2.date1

    WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET t1.date1 = COALESCE(t1.date1,t2.date1),t1.wsh=COALESCE(t1.wsh,t2.wsh),

    t1.ITN=COALESCE(t1.ITN,t2.ITN) ,t1.Executions=COALESCE(t1.Executions,t2.Executions),t1.MCG=COALESCE(t1.MCG,t2.MCG) ,t1.Positions=COALESCE(t1.Positions,t2.Positions)


    INSERT(date1 ,WSH ,ITN ,Executions, MCG, Positions)

    VALUES(t2.date1 ,t2.WSH ,t2.ITN ,t2.Executions, t2.MCG, Positions);

    SELECT * FROM @tbl11

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