newbie help pls

  • Customer

    CustomerID CustomerName Birthdate

    1 John Doe 1/1/1970 08:31 AM

    2 Jane Doe 1/1/1971 01:18 PM

    3 Jon Public 1/1/1972 11:58 PM

    4 Jane Public 1/1/1973 07:00 AM

    5 John Smith 1/1/1974 08:31 AM


    OrderID PO Number OrderDate

    1000 ABC123 1/1/2012 01:00 PM

    2000 112233 2/1/2012 02:00 AM

    3000 XYZ987 3/1/2012 03:00 PM

    4000 50000 4/1/2012 04:00 AM

    5000 Verbal 5/1/2012 05:00 AM


    CustomerID OrderID IsShipped

    1 1000 False

    1 3000 True

    3 4000 False

    2 2000 True

    5 5000 True

    :-)pls provide the SQL statement that will return all the CustomerNames who have never placed an order


  • Hi,

    SELECT CustomerName FROM Customer c

    LEFT OUTER JOIN CustomersOrders co ON c.CustomerID = co.CustomerID

    WHERE co.CustomerID is null


  • Thanku Jeff


  • Here's how you should lay out your sample data: -

    CREATE TABLE Customer (CustomerID INT, CustomerName VARCHAR(200), Birthdate DATETIME);

    INSERT INTO Customer

    SELECT CustomerID,CustomerName,Birthdate

    FROM (VALUES(1,'John Doe','1/1/1970 08:31 AM'),(2,'Jane Doe','1/1/1971 01:18 PM'),

    (3,'Jon Public','1/1/1972 11:58 PM'),(4,'Jane Public','1/1/1973 07:00 AM'),

    (5,'John Smith','1/1/1974 08:31 AM'))a(CustomerID,CustomerName,Birthdate);

    CREATE TABLE [Order] (OrderID INT, [PO Number] VARCHAR(10), OrderDate DATETIME);

    INSERT INTO [Order]

    SELECT OrderID, [PO Number], OrderDate

    FROM (VALUES(1000,'ABC123','1/1/2012 01:00 PM'),(2000,'112233','2/1/2012 02:00 AM'),

    (3000,'XYZ987','3/1/2012 03:00 PM'),(4000,'50000','4/1/2012 04:00 AM'),

    (5000,'Verbal','5/1/2012 05:00 AM'))a(OrderID, [PO Number], OrderDate);

    CREATE TABLE CustomerOrders (CustomerID INT, OrderID INT, IsShipped VARCHAR(5));

    INSERT INTO CustomerOrders

    SELECT CustomerID, OrderID, IsShipped

    FROM (VALUES(1,1000,'False'),(1,3000,'True'),(3,4000,'False'),(2,2000,'True'),

    (5,5000,'True'))a(CustomerID, OrderID, IsShipped);

    That makes it so that anyone can just execute the script and have a mock-up of your data. You should include any indexes as well if you want the best performing solution.

    Jeff's method is fine, but to show another method you could also do this: -

    SELECT *

    FROM Customer cus


    FROM CustomerOrders ord

    WHERE cus.CustomerID = ord.CustomerID);

    They probably perform the same, but it's worth testing both methods on your actual data.

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  • For the same data Provide the SQL statement that would return every CustomerName and the count of orders they have ever placed.

    I have tried using the below code

    select Customer.CustomerName, Count(CustomerOrders.customerID) from Customer JOIN CustomerOrders ON customer.customerID=customerorders.CustomerID

    giving an error:

    Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Column 'Customer.CustomerName' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.


  • prathibha_aviator (10/15/2012)

    For the same data Provide the SQL statement that would return every CustomerName and the count of orders they have ever placed.

    I have tried using the below code

    select Customer.CustomerName, Count(CustomerOrders.customerID) from Customer JOIN CustomerOrders ON customer.customerID=customerorders.CustomerID

    giving an error:

    Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Column 'Customer.CustomerName' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    The error message tells you EXACTLY what the problem is. You need to use some grouping when aggregating data.


    I did not provide an answer because this scream of homework. If I provide you an answer you do not learn the topic.


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  • prathibha_aviator (10/15/2012)

    For the same data Provide the SQL statement that would return every CustomerName and the count of orders they have ever placed.

    I have tried using the below code

    select Customer.CustomerName, Count(CustomerOrders.customerID) from Customer JOIN CustomerOrders ON customer.customerID=customerorders.CustomerID

    giving an error:

    Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Column 'Customer.CustomerName' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    Read your error message, then read this.

    GROUP BY Customer.CustomerName

    Make sure you read the link I've provided to explain the issue.


    Seems Sean beat me to it.

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  • So I get to use joins concept along with the group by clause in this case as i am going to use two differnt tables??? Not a question to you... I'll give it a try and get back again


  • I got it

    SELECT Customer.CustomerName, Count(customerorders.customerID) AS Count

    FROM Customer

    JOIN CustomerOrders ON (Customer.CustomerID= CustomerOrders.CustomerID)

    Group By CustomerName


  • prathibha_aviator (10/15/2012)

    I got it

    SELECT Customer.CustomerName, Count(customerorders.customerID) AS Count

    FROM Customer

    JOIN CustomerOrders ON (Customer.CustomerID= CustomerOrders.CustomerID)

    Group By CustomerName



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  • Hey Thanku 🙂


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