Post-SP3 Problem

  • After installing AS SP3 I get "Cannot Open Connection to Analysis Server 'xxxxxx', Timeout Occurred". I have SQL2K (SP3) on the same server, and have 2 other servers with the same config, both OK. Repository is in MSDB. Client has SP3 also, but I can't even connect via Analysis Manager on the server itself. Analysis Services starts OK and no errors are reported to Event Viewer? Any ideas out there?

  • You could try reinstalling MDAC on the server in question...maybe v2.7? Just a guess...



    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • I've just reinstalled a vanilla version of AS (no service packs) and then reapplied SP3 which of course does supposedly upgrade MDAC, but no change! I can connect to a different Analysis Server (SP3) from the bad one, so could it be a permissions thing?

  • It certainly could. I am having problems with a cube processing task in a DTS package and am thinking it is a permissions issue as well. Have you checked the permissions on all the folders, etc that AS accesses? How about the permissions on the account that the services run under? If you find the solution, let us know, okay?



    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • Good luck with your DTS package! I've re-reinstalled my vanilla AS again, and it works OK. as soon as I install SP3 it fails to connect. If I install SP2 it works! Aaagh! MSOLAP service is started using Local system account and I didn't think you needed to make use of the new MSDB RepositoryUser role unless you'd saved it (the repos) to Metadata Services, which I haven't. I have another server with this arrangement which works fine. Back to the drawing board...

  • Hi Steve,

    Just out of interest, have you looked at the Repository conxn string (from AS Manager, RC on the server name and select 'Edit Repository Conxn String'. Does this look valid?



  • Hi Steve, I did try to edit the repository connection string, but after a minute or so I got a small dialog box informing me of an 'Automation error'. Could be be due to a corrupt OLEDB dll or something. I registered a second (SP3) server and this is the Rep Connx properties:

    Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=ukz1059;Initial Catalog=msdb;User ID=sa;Password=***********;Persist Security Info=True;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=UKR400046;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False;

    Unfortunately I can't see the properties for my bad server. Is there another way of getting at this info?



  • Hi Steve,

    I was about to suggest the registry for checking the conxn string, but it loks like it's been encrypted .

    Another question though - the AS service appears to be running, can you connect to it via the MDX sample app? (ie run a query).

    Basically trying to see whether you have any connectivity at all.



  • Hi Steve,

    I've tried the sample app, but I get the same timeout message. If I try connecting to a different server it's OK though, which suggests that AS on this server is actually OK, and that perhaps it's the local OLEDB layer that's at fault.


  • Using client network utility create an alias for your SQL Server instances, I have seen this when I was working in beta version of SQL 2000 - 64 bit.

  • I have come across some comments on this elsewhere, that indicate that the problem is with the MDAC installed by SP3. Use the Rollback functionality in SP3 to roll back to the MDAC that used to be installed, and many problems just seem to go away. It's worth a try...

  • SP3 installs MDAC 2.7 so I guess what you're suggesting is rolling back to 2.6. I will certainly give it a try - nothing to lose!

  • quote:

    Using client network utility create an alias for your SQL Server instances, I have seen this when I was working in beta version of SQL 2000 - 64 bit.

    - Not sure I know exactly what you mean. Should I try creating an alias from a client, or on the server itself, and once I've done that, do you mean I should register the alias in Analysis Manager?

  • Dear all, my problem is fixed thanks to a very helpful Microsoft software engineer. There is a registry key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OLAP Server\CurrentVersion\HighMemoryLimit) which in my case had a default setting of 1Gb. Analysis Services required more than this to accommodate all my OLAP DB's on startup, and as soon as I set this key to 2Gb, everything worked immediately (the server has 4Gb RAM in total).

    Big thanks to all for your contributions, but especially to Microsoft.

  • Thank you for the insight! Never would have thought to look at the registry settings. However, since you mentioned it, I did check the HighMemoryLimit key on my AS server and it was set at 4gb (40000000 which I take to be 4gb) and the low memory key was set at 2gb. Do these values sound appropriate to those of you with advanced AS management experience? The server it is running on has 2gb of RAM running win2k server.

    I appreciate any input...

    Thank you,


    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

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