procedure failing when called from DTS

  • Hi

    I've got a procedure ...

    CREATE PROCEDURE [warehouse].[findfile]

    @InterfaceFile varchar(255),

    @ErrorSave int OUTPUT


    --Create temporary table

    create table #fileexists (

    doesexist smallint,

    fileindir smallint,

    direxist smallint)

    -- Insert into the temporary table

    Insert into #fileexists exec master..xp_fileexist @InterfaceFile

    --Queries the temporary table to see if the file exists

    If exists (select doesexist from #fileexists FE

    where FE.doesexist = 1)

    SET @ErrorSave = 0


    SET @ErrorSave = 1

    -- Clean up TempDB

    DROP TABLE #fileexists

    RETURN @ErrorSave


    which is based on the excellent Mr. Knights posting

    which I have tested via:

    declare @rtnval int

    declare @Interface varchar(255)

    set @Interface = '\\MDSPFSAPS03\C$\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx.csv'

    exec warehouse.findfile @Interface, @ErrorSave = @rtnval OUTPUT

    if (@rtnval <> 0 )

    print 'No File'


    print 'File Present'

    and all is well, but, if I insert:

    declare @rtnval int

    declare @Interface varchar(255)

    set @Interface = '\\MDSPFSAPS03\C$\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx.csv'

    exec warehouse.findfile @Interface, @ErrorSave = @rtnval OUTPUT

    into an 'Execute SQL Task', I get

    Error Source : Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

    Error Description : Invalid Object name '#fileexists'

    and I was wondering why?


    Ryan Wall

  • I am no very sure but I think temp tables are not permitted on the DTS packages.

    you can verify it for yourself.

  • Hi

    it doesn't seem to matter if it is a temporary table or a physical table - parsing the query in the Exec SQL task complains about the table name, wherever it is located ????

    any other ideas?



  • If you are using the temp table in another DTS object you will need to make it global ie ##fileexists


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