
  • Can any tell the equivalent of ORDSYS.ORDImage.processCopy (oracle) in sqlserver.

    for instance :

    ORDSYS.ORDImage.processCopy(SRCREC.SRC_BLOB, 'scale=.1', DESREC.DES_BLOB)

    Thanks in advance.


  • the ordsys is an extension for image manipulation from within the oracle environment;

    the nearest equivilent would be creating a dll in .NET for example, which uses the functions in System.Drawing, and creating an extended stored procedure  which uses calls to that that dll.

    If you poke around, you can find plenty of image manipulation examples, which would then have to be compiled to allow the features you want;

    i don't know  of a premade one so far, but i'll ggogle it and post anything i find.


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