Query to get Database Size and Growth Report

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Query to get Database Size and Growth Report

    Thanks & Regards,
    Santosh R. kamble

  • In sys.master_files there is a flag called is_percent_growth which is set to 1 if the file growth is in %

    You can therefore work out the filegrowth as something like:

    CASE WHEN f.is_percent_growth = 1

    THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), f.growth) + ' %'

    ELSE CONVERT (VARCHAR(5), f.growth / 128) + ' MB'

    END AS 'Growth'

  • I've just written this query for auditing database files... haven't thoroughly tested it yet so let me know if there are any issues

    CREATE TABLE #FileSpace (

    [database_id] int,

    [file_id] int,

    [space_used] int


    INSERT INTO #FileSpace EXEC sp_MSforeachdb 'USE ? SELECT db_id(''?''), fileid, FILEPROPERTY(name, ''SpaceUsed'') from sys.sysfiles'

    SELECT d.name AS 'Database Name'

    , f.name AS 'Logical File Name'

    , f.physical_name AS 'Physical File Name'

    , f.[file_id] AS 'File Id'

    , f.type_desc AS 'Description'

    , f.size / 128 AS 'File Size (MB)'

    , CASE f.max_size

    WHEN -1 THEN 'Unlimited'

    ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR, (f.max_size / 128))

    END AS 'Maximum Size (MB)'

    , fs.space_used / 128 AS 'Used Space (MB)'

    , (f.size - fs.space_used) / 128 AS 'Free Space (MB)'

    , CASE f.is_read_only

    WHEN 1 THEN 'Read Only'

    ELSE 'Read\Write'

    END AS 'Read Only'

    , CASE f.is_sparse

    WHEN 1 THEN 'Sparse'

    ELSE 'Not Sparse'

    END AS 'Sparse File'

    , CASE WHEN f.is_percent_growth = 1

    THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), f.growth) + ' %'

    ELSE CONVERT (VARCHAR(5), f.growth / 128) + ' MB'

    END AS 'Growth'

    FROM sys.master_files f

    JOIN sys.databases d

    ON f.database_id = d.database_id

    JOIN #FileSpace fs

    ON fs.database_id = d.database_id

    AND fs.file_id = f.file_id

    drop table #FileSpace

  • Hi Chris,

    Your script is different than the topic.


  • One thing that jumped out at me was how many DBs I have.

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