"Question of the Day" is about:

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item "Question of the Day" is about:

  • HUHOOOOO... My answer is corerct.. 🙂

  • Ohh God..... My Answer is correct

  • Ok. 5 points for me 🙂


  • "This is an opportunity to learn new/different thing and your answer will never be wrong if you read the related subject first."

    Isn't this a bit paradoxical and self-referential ? The 'related subject' of this question is "Question of the Day". I read it first. And I got the answer wrong. Therefore, "your answer will never be wrong if you read the related subject first" is not true. So by choosing a wrong answer, I made the correct answer wrong as well.


    Maybe we could call it iBar's Paradox ?

  • By not choosing the option which said

    This is an easy and quick way to earn points and get recognized on a widely known forum.

    I earned points quickly and easily and got recognition on a widely known forum. 😉

    MCSA SQL Server 2012

  • "This is an opportunity to learn new/different thing and your answer will never be wrong if you read the related subject first. "

    I dont think I would agree with that answer personally.

    I use it to judge my understanding of a subject matter, so I don't read the subject before, I answer the question, if I get it right then great, if I get it wrong then I go off and read all about it and learn that way.

    I'm sure people do things differently though.

    Thanks for the question,


  • Nic-306421 (7/27/2012)

    "This is an opportunity to learn new/different thing and your answer will never be wrong if you read the related subject first. "

    I dont think I would agree with that answer personally.

    I use it to judge my understanding of a subject matter, so I don't read the subject before, I answer the question, if I get it right then great, if I get it wrong then I go off and read all about it and learn that way.

    I'm sure people do things differently though.

    Thanks for the question,


    Same here.

    Also, I've managed to get questions wrong even if I have read the related subject first!

    It's a harsh to give right/wrong answers on an opinion 😀

  • Nic-306421 (7/27/2012)

    "This is an opportunity to learn new/different thing and your answer will never be wrong if you read the related subject first. "

    I dont think I would agree with that answer personally.

    I use it to judge my understanding of a subject matter, so I don't read the subject before, I answer the question, if I get it right then great, if I get it wrong then I go off and read all about it and learn that way.

    I'm sure people do things differently though.

    Thanks for the question,


    Agreed. For me the question is a quiz - that i then use to learn. What quiz do you look up the answer before you answer?

    Personally i think even having this as a QOTD is a complete waste. Pointless.... Its not even a question, its someones personal view.

  • Well its not a time bound quiz, if you don't know the answer then no one forcing you guess it then and there.

    That try to guess. As fluke can gives you point but after the guess, as per my understanding, people then will be less tempted to read the real logic.

    QOTD is ... do you understand this area? Don't rush and try to understand.

    And as per moderator understanding and the points assigned to this question by SSC clearly means that this really worth it and this is what they also understand from their SSC QOTD discussion experience.

    This was just a different thought, if someone can try to think outside of "BOX".

    Thanks & Cheers.

  • This question was very different to me as a newbie but I took a shot. Thanks for the 5 points.

  • Ha, I selected the "correct" answer so I could easily get some points (5, woohoo :w00t:) and get some recognition on this forum!

    Although I would debate that the "judging skills" would also be a correct answer, as the QotD format is presented as a quiz.

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at https://sqlkover.com.
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • ibar, thanks for something different. When I read all the answers, and gave some thought as to why you had posted this question, I selected the correct answer. As of this moment, 57% have done so. Bravo.

    If you didn't get the question correct, or don't like it because it isn't what you expected, why not do what you ought to do when you miss a QotD - reflect. See why you didn't agree with the author's chosen answer. Sometimes you can just set your ego aside and learn what is there to be learned from the QotD.

    [font="Verdana"]Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.[/font]
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  • in my case it should go like this:

    "This is an opportunity to learn new/different thing and your answer will never be wrong if you Google it and read the related subject first."

    "It takes 15 minutes to learn the game and a lifetime to master"
    "Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality."

  • A contender for the worst QotD ever 😉

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