Rearrange Result of Data with TSQL Script

  • Hi ,

    I am replicating my problem in otherway .

    Say , we are tracking record of bus service i.e. how buses are being used in company

    EnddateKey as NULL means , currently the bus is in service

    Following is sample set

    SysKey BusName BusType StartDateKey EndDatekey

    1 A AC 20130101 20130112

    2 A AC 20130113 20130115

    3 A AC 20130116 20130118

    4 B NON-AC 20130119 20130121

    5 B NON-AC 20130122 20130124

    6 A AC 20130125 NULL

    Need output as below

    SNO BusName BusType StartDateKey EndDatekey

    1 A AC 20130101 20130118

    2 B NON-AC 20130119 20130124

    3 A AC 20130125 NULL

    Script to create a sample

    Declare @temp table (SysKey int ,BusName varchar(9) ,BusType varchar(6) ,StartDateKey int ,EndDatekey int )

    Insert into @Temp (SysKey ,BusName,BusType,StartDateKey,EndDatekey)

    Select 1 , 'A' ,'AC',20130101,20130112


    Select 2 , 'A' ,'AC', 20130113 ,20130115


    Select 3 , 'A' ,'AC', 20130116 ,20130118


    Select 4 , 'B' , 'NON-AC', 20130119 ,20130121


    Select 5 , 'B' , 'NON-AC', 20130122 ,20130124


    Select 6 , 'A' ,'AC', 20130125, NULL

    Select * from @temp

    Let me know , if i miss any clarity of question


    Surya Sunil





    ,CASE WHEN MAX(ISNULL(EndDateKey,99991231)) = 99991231


    ELSE MAX(EndDateKey)


    FROM @temp

    GROUP BY Busname, BusType

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Result as not expected

    Busname BusType (No column name) (No column name)

    A AC 20130101 NULL

    B NON-AC 20130119 20130124

  • sunil.mvs (11/20/2013)

    Result as not expected

    Busname BusType (No column name) (No column name)

    A AC 20130101 NULL

    B NON-AC 20130119 20130124

    Right, missed the third line of the result set.

    This is probably the easiest implemented with a cursor.

    This might be slower for large data sets, but it is lineary scalable.

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • solution should be set based only .. .as there are 98 million records that need to be taken care .

  • Which version of SQL Server?

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  • SQL server 2008R2

  • sunil.mvs (11/20/2013)

    SQL server 2008R2

    You cannot use windowing functions (SQL Server 2012), and it is possible set-based solutions are not linearly scalable (in the sense that they get slower and slower for larger data sets).

    A cursor is slow (and I usually avoid them), but at least you get predictable performance.

    If you change the defaults when creating a cursor, it is typically a lot faster then when you create a cursor with the pre-defined defaults.

    If you'd really like a set-based solution, take a look at the gaps and islands problem, which is somewhat similar to your problem.

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • hi,

    is this what you wanted..

    SELECT t1.Busname ,t1.BusType , MIN(StartDateKey) StartDateKey , Case when t1.EndDatekey is null then null else t2.EndDatekey end EndDatekey

    From @temp t1

    Left JOIN( SELECT Busname,BusType , max(EndDatekey)EndDatekey From @temp group by Busname,BusType)as t2 on t1.BusName = t2.BusName and t1.BusType = t2.BusType

    GROUP BY t1.Busname, t1.BusType , Case when t1.EndDatekey is null then null else t2.EndDatekey end

    Praveen D'sa
    MCITP - Database Administrator 2008

  • Hi

    I appreciate the solution but failing to the below scenario .. I have added few more records ..

    Declare @temp table (SysKey int ,BusName varchar(9) ,BusType varchar(6) ,StartDateKey int ,EndDatekey int )

    Insert into @Temp (SysKey ,BusName,BusType,StartDateKey,EndDatekey)

    Select 1 , 'A' ,'AC',20130101,20130110


    Select 2 , 'B' ,'NON-AC',20130111,20130112


    Select 3 ,'A' ,'AC', 20130113 ,20130115


    Select 4 , 'A' ,'AC', 20130116 ,20130118


    Select 5 , 'B' , 'NON-AC', 20130119 ,20130121


    Select 6 , 'B' , 'NON-AC', 20130122 ,20130124


    Select 7 , 'A' ,'AC',20130125, 20130128


    select 8,'A','AC',20130129,20130131


    Select 9 ,'A','AC',20130201 , 20130204


    Select 10 , 'C','NON-AC',20130205, 99991231

    SELECT t1.Busname ,t1.BusType , MIN(StartDateKey) StartDateKey , Case when t1.EndDatekey is null then null else t2.EndDatekey end EndDatekey

    From @temp t1

    Left JOIN( SELECT Busname,BusType , max(EndDatekey)EndDatekey From @temp group by Busname,BusType)as t2 on t1.BusName = t2.BusName and t1.BusType = t2.BusType

    GROUP BY t1.Busname, t1.BusType , Case when t1.EndDatekey is null then null else t2.EndDatekey end

  • With 98 million rows of data something tells me there is more to this than you are telling us, just a gut feeling.

    Is there anything else we should know about the source data that could cause potential issues with a solution. Are bus names and dates actually as shown in the limited data set or are they interleaved with multiple bus names and start/end dates? Are there other columns that help identify buses and a sequential service. Is a bus considered in service as long as there is an unbroken sequence in dates. Looking at the following:

    1 A AC 20130101 20130112

    2 A AC 20130113 20130115

    3 A AC 20130116 20130118

    4 B NON-AC 20130119 20130121

    5 B NON-AC 20130122 20130124

    6 A AC 20130125 NULL

    Looking at A there is a break between 20130118 and 20130125 making these separate entries for reporting. Had the last A been 20130119 for a start date, it would be included with the first 3 A's even though there are 2 B's between the 3rd and 4th A, correct? Or wouldthe 4th A still be separate because of the interruption of the sequence by B (assuming the 4th A had a date of 20130119, not the 20130125 as shown).

  • nice question .. Only one bus is used during a startDateKey and EndDatekey ... No other bus is allowed .

    For Example Serial No 7 ,8 and 9 should be consolidated as 'A' ,'AC',20130125, 20130204

    Serial no exists to identify ...

    1 , 'A' ,'AC',20130101,20130110

    2 , 'B' ,'NON-AC',20130111,20130112

    3 ,'A' ,'AC', 20130113 ,20130115

    4 , 'A' ,'AC', 20130116 ,20130118

    5 , 'B' , 'NON-AC', 20130119 ,20130121

    6 , 'B' , 'NON-AC', 20130122 ,20130124

    7 , 'A' ,'AC',20130125, 20130128


    9 ,'A','AC',20130201 , 20130204

    10 , 'C','NON-AC',20130205, 99991231

  • what output do you expect from above table

    Praveen D'sa
    MCITP - Database Administrator 2008

  • Expected Output

    1, 'A' ,'AC',20130101,20130110

    2,'B' ,'NON-AC',20130111,20130112

    3, 'A' ,'AC', 20130113 ,20130118

    4,'B' , 'NON-AC', 20130119 ,20130124

    5,'A' ,'AC',20130125, 20130204

    6,'C','NON-AC',20130205, 99991231

  • sunil.mvs (11/20/2013)

    Expected Output

    1, 'A' ,'AC',20130101,20130110

    2,'B' ,'NON-AC',20130111,20130112

    3, 'A' ,'AC', 20130113 ,20130118

    4,'B' , 'NON-AC', 20130119 ,20130124

    5,'A' ,'AC',20130125, 20130204

    6,'C','NON-AC',20130205, 99991231

    What if line 2 with B wasn't there?

    Would you combine line 1 and 3 into single lines, or would you still keep them seperate as the dates are not adjacent?

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

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