Restrict Sql Server access from MS Access

  • Is there a way to block all connections to a sql server DB from MS Access?  Or better, can we make all rights read only when the connection comes from ms access?




  • IIRC It's more a case of ODBC rights, and how they're set up, which would affect the connectivity of any application using said ODBC settings...

    There may be an option in there to make the ODBC connection readonly, have a look.

    The other option that may work is to put a load of linked tables into a database, make that a read only database (permissions) then have your other databases access that. Not sure that'll work, but it might and is an easy solution if it does - what's more you'll have control over what tables are seen too.

    You could also make a view inside your SQL database and link to that?




  • Hi..!!!

    Maybe you can make the ODBC uses an SQL Server "User_id" with read rights only, then the linked tables on access will read data but it could not write back.

    I have not tested this, I'm using an Access data base linked to an SQL Server to modify information, but the only tables i saw are the ones that my user_id is able to update on the server.

    I Hope this help you.


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