Return row as null instead of empty

  • Hi, below the sample structure,

    Declare @sample table(id int, name varchar, datetime);

    select * from @sample
    this will return empty row. but i need row with null values like below

    Expected output :

    select null as id, null as name, null as createdDate

    how do i achieve this. Any example please

  • Is this what you are after?  
    SELECT ID, name, createdDate
    FROM @sample

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
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  • KGJ-Dev - Thursday, June 7, 2018 1:35 PM

    Hi, below the sample structure,

    Declare @sample table(id int, name varchar, datetime);

    select * from @sample
    this will return empty row. but i need row with null values like below

    Expected output :

    select null as id, null as name, null as createdDate

    how do i achieve this. Any example please

    There isn't a row so there are no values. If you need a row with null values, insert a row with null values - insert values (NULL, NULL, NULL). Or I suppose you could do a union with just SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL union....

    But if you insert null values the count is 1. If you have just declared the table variable the count is 0. So the two are different. I am wondering if there just isn't a logic error somewhere that leads to needing an empty table variable stuffed with nulls. Logic for the nulls seems like it would be the same if the count of rows was 0. Unless you really want a row of NULLs in a table for some reason.


  • Sue_H - Thursday, June 7, 2018 2:43 PM

    KGJ-Dev - Thursday, June 7, 2018 1:35 PM

    Hi, below the sample structure,

    Declare @sample table(id int, name varchar, datetime);

    select * from @sample
    this will return empty row. but i need row with null values like below

    Expected output :

    select null as id, null as name, null as createdDate

    how do i achieve this. Any example please

    There isn't a row so there are no values. If you need a row with null values, insert a row with null values - insert values (NULL, NULL, NULL). Or I suppose you could do a union with just SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL union....

    But if you insert null values the count is 1. If you have just declared the table variable the count is 0. So the two are different. I am wondering if there just isn't a logic error somewhere that leads to needing an empty table variable stuffed with nulls. Logic for the nulls seems like it would be the same if the count of rows was 0. Unless you really want a row of NULLs in a table for some reason.


    And I'm thinking there's a reason for the desire for a NULL result that could allow us to better assist overall if we knew enough more about the WHY....

  • thank you guys for your replies and for some logics, i need the null values to be returned.  the answer provided by below86 will work for me. appreciated everyone.

  • This would add the nulls row only if there's not a row in the table.

    SELECT id,
    FROM @sample
    RIGHT JOIN (SELECT 1 a)x ON 1=1

    One more thing, I hope it was just a mistake for the sample data but you should always define the length of your strings.

    Luis C.
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    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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  • thank you luis. new learning for me

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