Round to Even (aka Banker''s Rounding) - The final function

  • 1/infinity = 0

    It's not extremely close, it's infinitely close.

    There is nothing more than infinity.

    As I said, you missed some very important classes in school.

    P.S. Remind everybody, you are ignoring whom?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Wrong!

    If 1/infinity = 0 then 1 = 0 * infinity which is wrong, as any grade school student will tell you that 0 * any number (0 * n ) = 0.  Therefore 1/infinity can not equal zero.  It can come infinitly close, but it will never BE 0.

  • Infinity is not any number.

    0*infinity is not 0.

    6th grade math.

    Theory of limits.

    Go and study.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Heh... or...

    Infinity = undefined

    Null = undefined

    1/Infinity = undefined?

    1/Infinity = Null?

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  • Not really.

    Infinity is not undefined.

    0* infinity depends on the way infinity was received.

    If infinity came from 5/0 then 0*infinity = 5

    If infinity came from 1/0 then 0*infinity = 1

    If infinity came from 5/0/0 then 0*infinity = infinity

    Of course, if you don't know which way infinity was built, it becomes NULL.

    Fortunately, there is no way to store infinity in computers, so it's not a problem.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • And again you are wrong.  n/0 = undefined, not infinity.  But then again, I'm sorry, you are never wrong, are you?


  • Lynn, you're so bad.

    You cannot even get how bad and low you are.

    Don't tell anybody that n/0 = undefined, not infinity.

    Because it's a shame to be so ignorant as you are.

    For those who did not achieve in school and believes is "extremely close" things:

    Distance between Achilles and the tortoise will be extremely small, but never zero.


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • No, Achilles will over take the tortoise.  But even then, you will never be wrong, right?

  • Perhaps you should tell me if what they are saying at this link is true:


  • Lynn, believe me, there is a whole world of math beyond the level of primary school arithmetics.

    You just don't know about it, but it's there.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Really?

    Distanse between them will become smaller and smaller on every approach.

    Until it will become "extremely small", "extremely close" to zero.

    But it's not zero, as you stated.

    So, who is right?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • 1 > undefined = undefined

    1 > infinity = false

    Now you tell me if what they are saying at this link is true.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Actually, I am quite aware of the great range of mathematics, but even advanced mathematics is based on elementary (not school) principles.

    And Achilles will over take the tortoise; its physics, not philosphy.

  • > even advanced mathematics is based on elementary (not school) principles.


    But elementary mathematics does not operate with such thing as infinity.

    That's you don't know how to deal with it.

    > And Achilles will over take the tortoise; its physics, not philosphy.

    Yes, you can witness it.

    And author of this problem knew Achilles will over take the tortoise. That's why he named it "paradox".

    But you're too dull to solve this scientific problem.

    You end up "extremely small" distance between Achilles and the tortoise which never becomes zero. You believe in "absolute precise" numbers, and zero as something imprecise like 1/infinity does not fit your religion.

    Sorry for you.

    BTW, in ancient Greece they used name "philosophy" for all science.

    It's another thing you missed in school.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy,

    Its do bad your only arguments are attacks on other peoples education, experience, and beliefs.  You would do better to provide specific facts and citiations to support your arguments rather than the attacks you make on people.  They are constant, demeaning, and do nothing to support your arguments.

    Why not try being constructive and supportive instead of these continuous attacks.  Of course, the answer is simple; you are always right even when you have been proved wrong with specific facts and tests that you yourself purposed but never accepted.

    I think we all finally learn when to stop banging our heads against the brick wall.

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