Search Service pegged at 100%

  • I have come to my wits end on this one. My MSSearch.exe is pegged at 100%. I have checked all my settings that the microsoft article FIX: Microsoft Search Service May Cause 100% CPU Usage if BUILTIN\Administrators Login Is Removed (Q295034)

    This did not work. All settings are correct.

    My system is a SQL2k EE on Win2k Cluster 4 cpus per node. 2gig of ram per node latest service packs on SQL and Win. I even tried reappllying sp2 for sql.

    Rob DeMotsis

    Sr. SQL Server DBA

    Pier 1 Imports, Inc.

    Rob DeMotsis
    Sr. SQL Server DBA

  • Thanks for the feedback. I checked the task manager and I guess I should include what I found there.

    The mssearch.exe is not really at 100%. It is a combination of sqlserver and mssearch that is causing the cpu to run at 95% to 100%. I've rebuilt the full text index and even defragged all the indexes in the database in question. Hope this sheds a little more light on my hopeless situation.

    Rob DeMotsis

    Sr. SQL Server DBA

    Pier 1 Imports, Inc.

    Rob DeMotsis
    Sr. SQL Server DBA

  • OK everyone, here is the skinny on the solution. Changed population mode from full population to change tracking and update index in background. The item count for the catalog is around 40000 and size is 3MB. Pretty small. The full population was ocurring once a night at 12:00 am and was finished in less than ten minutes. It sat idle until the next night.

    Anyone have a clue as to why this solution would work.

    Rob DeMotsis

    Sr. SQL Server DBA

    Pier 1 Imports, Inc.

    Rob DeMotsis
    Sr. SQL Server DBA

  • I rarely use FTS - pretty interesting issue. Not that I have an answer!


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