Selective Parameters

  • Good Afternoon All,

    I am very new to RS but I'm at a point now that I want to get creative with parameters and not sure if if is possible to control parameters in the way I wish.

    What I would like to to do is have a parameter to which a user can select either Month, Week, Day. Depending on what they selected the next parameter would give them a multi selection range of either months, startweek or a date. Obviously that is dependent on the fist parameter option.

    Is this something that is possible is RS or is it quite restricted in this way?


    RS Newbie.

  • Hi,

    What you are looking for is cascading parameters.

    There are stacks of tutorials about for this that explain it better than I ever could, here's a couple to start.

    Your example sounds a little trickier, you'd have to return all your results as text so the user couldn't use the datepicker. You'd want a dataset to populate your second parameter (@Parameter2) that looked something like this:

    SELECT DISTINCT Month as [Value]

    FROM [DateTbl]

    WHERE @Parameter1 = 'Month'



    FROM [DateTbl]

    WHERE @Parameter1 = 'Weeks'



    FROM [DateTbl]

    WHERE @Parameter1 = 'Dates'

    Hope this helps.

  • The shard eyed among you might have spotted you don't need to use DISTINCT and UNION ALL, just use UNION instead. 😛

    SELECT Month as [Value]

    FROM [DateTbl]

    WHERE @Parameter1 = 'Month'


    SELECT Week

    FROM [DateTbl]

    WHERE @Parameter1 = 'Weeks'



    FROM [DateTbl]

    WHERE @Parameter1 = 'Dates'

  • Excellent, thank you Grasshopper.

    I will have a play with it today.

    I'm sure I will have more questions regarding this but I will read those articles you have mentioned.

    Thanks for you help.

  • Well it would appear that we are having to write our code in MDX and not SQL, so not 100% sure on how to go about this. (My MDX sucks).

    I'm sure I will find a solution at some point though.

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