"slim down" and "streamline" the newsletter

  • I do not believe that the actual newsletter needs any type of "diet" (slimming down). As for streamlining, well a button at the top a discussion page to take one to the last page or last post would be very nice. I believe that others have already suggested this.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Thanks and I'll pass along.

    New format coming Monday (1/1/07), so I'd love to hear comments.


  • Great Steve !

    I'll shoot you a message when I get back to work later in the day on the 2nd -- I have a production implementation first thing that day.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Hi Steve,

    The new newsletter looks good. I really like that you removed the giant advertisement between the "In this Issue" section and the content of the newsletter.

    One issue I've always had with the newsletter that hasn't gone away is that the links within "In this Issue" have always been broken. When you mouse over them, you can see that the link is something like "#article6727" or "#ed". I know this is supposed to link to the content within the newsletter, but when I click it, A) it opens a browser with the URL "http:///", or B) it does nothing.

    I've seen the same problem in both Outlook and Lotus Notes.

    I'm not sure if others have this same problem, but I've seen it for the year+ that I've subscribed.



  • Posted my opinion about the newsletter format in another area before I saw this threat.




  • The links at the top work, but your client is probably enforcing some security rule to prevent this from working. I know Outlook has done this for some people. The source of the newsletters is at: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/newsletter/

    This is exactly what we send as the body of the newsletter in mailings, so if something it changing, it's a client (or receiving server) policy.

  • Can I make a plea for returning the questions in the SQL Server 2000 forums to the daily newsletter?  Yes, I know we should be thinking about converting, and yes, I'm sure there's a way to see the new posts in those forums, but it was just so convenient to scan the newsletter, figure out if the topic had applicability to me from the synopsis, and take a look. 

    In fact, I'm not sure asking people to make a distinction between 2000 and 2005 makes sense.  Presumably they're going to post in the forum associated with the version they're using, but that doesn't mean that the answer doesn't apply to other versions.  But I'm not going to ask for a restructuring of the forums.

    That issue aside, the redesigned newsletter looks great.


  • Agreed. The majority of my servers are 2000 just a couple 2005.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • I'll see about this, but they really haven't been removed.

    Instead what's happened is we've limited the newsletter to 20 posts. So the last 20 threads that have posts are used, which often are ss2k5 threads.

    A couple things here. First I can try to make a change and I'll check with Red Gate on what they think of expanding the list.

    The second thing is that the "Active Threads" item is what I use and can see the various threads that have changed since I last visited the site.


  • I do not remember the previous version of the newsletter being limited. This is definitely a change for the worse. I just hope the naysayers annd nabobs do not catch it !

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Totally agree.  That section is for users who need help.  The same users who build this site, and for whom this site was built for.  I don't see why some questions should get more attentions than others.  It's borderline discriminatory from my point of view.  I mean how do you decide that one questions deserves more exposure than the other??

    Also this was the fastest way I had to scan all the new posts from the previous day and see where I could be usefull, or helped.  I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation.  I don't think that saving a few k's $ year in bandwith is worth the tradeoff.  Put all the questions and add one more advertisement if you need to cut your "loses".

  • Listing all of the posts of the last 24 hours in the newsletter (as it was) is the way to go. There are other sites out there, http://www.sql-server-performance.com/,  is one that I belong to but do not participate discussions because I have to scroll through the posts on a daily basis as I am starting to do now.

    As an example of my use of the old newsletter:

    • Editorial
    • QOD
    • Users that need help
    • Articles

    Now does a busy DBA have time for this searching the site for posts - No. The newsletter's best feature was just that which was removed. My anti-kudos to RedGate on this one.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • I ran it with 40 posts last night. Any change there?

    Anyone check out the "Active Threads"? http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/forum/active.asp

  • I rarely use the active thread page because the next / previous buttons don't work most of the time.  So again my only bullet proof option was to use the newsletter the next day to scan all threads to see if I had missed any.


    Again let me reiterate that not showing all threads seems discreminetory to me.  Everyone deserves the same chance to have is question exposed to everyone.

  • Again if we could know the reasons behind the shrinkage of the newsletter, maybe we could provide an alternative so we could get all the content out like it should be.

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