"slim down" and "streamline" the newsletter

  • Steve,

    Thanks.  I just finished reading the newsletter (online, it hasn't been delivered yet, I hope that's not related .  Yes, it made a big difference, there were 17 different categories as opposed to 10 from last Wednesday, and just six yesterday.  

    I checked out the http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/forum/active.asp

    link, and I can see how I could make that work.  The problem is that it seems if you go in to the site to look something up, or check a notification response, that resets as your last visit.  Not a big deal, but it's why the newsletter list was so helpful.

    I appreciate your efforts on this, and hope you don't get too much flak over it.  Look at it this way:  if people have an opinion on it, it's probably a relevant (if not important) feature.


  • You make some good points and things I haven't thought of.

    Two ideas, and I'd be interested in votes:

    1. A separate newsletter, auto generated every morning with the previous day's threads.

    2. Back the way it was


  • Steve,

    Thanks.  As for my vote, my final answer is whatever's easier for you, because both of those work for me.  I suspect 'back to the way it was' will engender higher visibility for the Users that need help feature, but the audience that section is trying to reach is people who will actually respond.  And as long as both newsletters are in the archive to be read online.

    Will voting close when the three of us ranting about the issue have voted?


  • With the trimmed down format, there are fewer topics that I find interesting, and as a result there are days when I don't visit the web site.  If I make a point of visiting the forum page, I'll find all kinds of topcis of great interest.

    I vote for a return more topics listed in the subscription email. 

    If they make any money from advertisers based on number of visits to the web site, then they must be losing money, because I don't think I'm the only one visiting the web site less often these days.

  • I vote for back to the way it was. I don't use the Users Needing Help section very often, but I glance at it if I've got a lighter workload for the day. If it were a separate email, I would unsubscribe.

    Thanks for being open to feedback on this.


  • 2 - Back the way it was.


    You can format the html all you want but I want all threads .

  • 2 - Back the way it was.


    You can format the html all you want but I want all threads

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • I'd enjoy a separate mailing.

    It would be useful if one section contained a list of all new threads created during the previous day, and maybe a reply count - I usually want to look at hot threads and cold ones, and then sometimes something in between will catch my eye.

    Would also be nice to get a list of every thread that was updated during the previous day (though I dont know if the volume would make that unworkable or not).

    I'd vote for no ads, nice compact view, short and sweet.

    I think thats a power user tool though, and there is merit to including new posts in the NL.




  • I don't think you can separate those.  I'd agree with the 2nd newsletter being more usefull to power users and it might be a usefull new feature.  

    But it would also be useless because all those threads would have been listed back in the original newsletter .

  • Today's newsletter did not arrive to me. However I have already looked on the website and gone through it. Many more posts and looking better.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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