sorting puzzel

  • I understand that client is important and all that Bread crap.

    But it's people like you who mould them to become your masters.

    Tell them specifically what's good for them otherwise they would be hitting your rear again.

    Learn to keeeeeeep the foot down , developer..

  • Translation, translation, translation.

    I know you believe that you understand what I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

    You MUST keep probing, asking, testing, confirming that you really get what the client is asking. When they ask for 'more of the same' or 'the usual', then it's valid to ask what's missing in the same or usual they already have. If it's a small, minor task, then yes, it may be appropriate and they really do know what they want and you know how to deliver it.

    But, every now and then, you MUST ask yourself, is there a better way, and ask them, would they like a better way? Better may mean getting the same result quicker. Or it may mean getting a truly better result - richer insights into information, clearer presentation, cleaner information (not cleaner data - that better already be clean!), etc.

  • I agree that the problem lies with the query plans sql server is generating.  Does the stored proc have input variables that need to be passed at run time?  Are any of them optional?  I have a feeling the reason you're seeing differences is because the T-SQL code in the SP has the variables intigrated, and the ad hoc T-SQL has real values in the query.  If this is the case, make real sure you have used the correct data types varchar instead of nvarchar, smallint instead of int, etc.  to make sure the optimizer doesn't drift away or toward an option you don't want. 

  • Hi Grasshopper,

    Thank you for the reply.

    Yes I have input variables in stor proc that need to be passed during run time and in case of T-Sql I declare and set them. They both have same data types. 

    But I think( after reading mails) that execution plans with stor proc is different then in case of T-Sql and hence this difference in sorting of result. I need to look into it.

    Thank you.


  • Hi Veteran and Newbie,

    Thank you for the post. I have already informed my client what is possible and what is not achievable under given specifiactions. They have come around to accept what stor proc presents. T-Sql is not the best from perforamance point of view and hence stor proc is only solution to use in given case.


  • You can do anything you want with sql server.  The only obstacle is finding the best way to do it... which is not the case at the moment.

  • I'll pass on a bit of wisdom someone gave me a while back when I was ranting about some of my customers....

    "The pay's the same"

    As long as the paycheck continues while you fulfill every crazy request (of course, AFTER pointing out the craziness of said request), then - shake it off, smile, say "sure" and spend as much time is required to give them what they want...  Now - if you're "off the clock" - then fight like hell, kick, scream, throw a tantrum...whatever gets the point across....


    "Levity can be a four-foot drop onto a trampoline"

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Sorry, might be being missing the point, but if you're putting the data into a grid control why not just let them sort by whatever columns they want in the grid itself, then your 'problem' is irrelevant??

  • Hi Journeyman,

    Thanks for the reply. I am not using grid control. I am using Report Viewer Control for displaying reporting service's report on a .aspx page and client wants result in a particular order.


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