
  • The SQL server properties from Enterprise Manager is different than the output of the sp_server_info. Why?

  • Run a trace with profiler to see what is EM executing...

  • What difference are you referring to?

  • I see a difference in the Version of SQL Server.

  • I saw the difference in my servers too but it is caused by the installation of hotfix.

    Can you post your SQL Server version from both sp_server_info and EM property?

  • EM properties = 8.00.679(SP2)

    SP_Server_Info = 8.00.534 (SP2)

    The OS on the server is SP3.

  • For me also its giving different values. I tried to run teh profiler when I run the Enterprise Manager. Here is the following statements it executed. But most of the info is coming thru xp_msver.

    DECLARE @retval int EXEC @retval = master.dbo.xp_MSADEnabled IF (@retval = 0) SELECT 1 ELSE SELECT 0


    set noexec off set parseonly off


    select 'Server SKU'=SUBSTRING(@@version,PATINDEX(N'%Corporation%',@@version)+DATALENGTH('Corporation')+2,PATINDEX(N'% on %',@@version)-(PATINDEX(N'%Corporation%',@@version)+DATALENGTH('Corporation')+2))


    set noexec off set parseonly off


    xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Setup', N'SQLPath'


    xp_msver N'ProductVersion', N'Language', N'Platform', N'WindowsVersion', N'ProcessorCount', N'PhysicalMemory'


    select serverproperty('productlevel')


    set noexec off set parseonly off


    select convert(int, serverproperty(N'isclustered'))


    xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLSERVER', N'Start'


    xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSDTC', N'Start'


    DECLARE @retval int EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLSERVER\Setup', N'EnableErrorReporting', @param = @retval OUTPUT SELECT @retval


    set noexec off set parseonly off


    select NodeName from ::fn_virtualservernodes()


    set noexec off set parseonly off



  • Natalie,

    You have 8.00.679(SP2) from EM is because you have applied SQL Server hotfix MS02-061 for Slammer Virus. 8.00.534 (SP2) is real service pack you have.

    Apply hotfix seems it doesn't update table master.dbo.spt_server_info

    Edited by - Allen_Cui on 04/22/2003 12:41:39 PM

  • Allen,

    But in my case, we have applied SP3. But still its showing the following:

    EM properties = 8.00.760(SP3)

    SP_Server_Info = 8.00.534(SP2)

    The OS is Windows 2000 Server SP2.

    Something fishy...


  • If you install SQL Server 2000 and SP3 directly (without go through SP1, SP2), Both EM and sp_server_info will give you identical SP information. But if you already have SP2 and then apply SP3, Difference version appears in EM than sp_server_info.

    This is just my observation. Someone may have better explaination for it.

  • About that, yesterday I read a posting in which one of the paricipants (I think it was Andy Warren) explained that it is better to use @@version because it grabs the most recent information about your SQL server.

    He analysed the difference between sp_server_info and @@ version. I did a search, but could not find the article.

    If you can do a search and read that one, go for it. It is ver clear and useful information. Good luck!

  • I found the article and my apologies to Steve Jones. He wrote the article. Here is the link:


    Hope this helps. Good luck!

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