SQL 2000 User Connection Issue

  • Hey!

    About once a day our production Windows 2003 - SQL 2000 SP3a machine has its user connections skyrocket to about 200 almost instantly.  This is after an entire day of hovering around 60.

    The machine is a quad Xeon 1.4 w/ 6GB of RAM.  SQL is the only thing running on the server.  The webs connect via TCP only.

    The machine is super busy all day with usage peak at around 2:00PM.  The user connections skyrocket at around 7:00PM (although it is quite unpredictable... sometimes its at like 10AM which is also not peak) which is long after everything has calmed down for the day.

    Our web machines that are hitting the SQL machine get the error:

    Login failed for user 'user'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

    This is after hours and hours of accessing it exactly the same, and when we reset our webmachines, they can again access the DB exactly as they had before, and the user connections return back down to about 60.

    Any idea what would cause the connections to go up like this, and then deny access?

    Thanks for any advice!

    Paul Cassar

    Kindest Regards,

  • That error means that the SQL Server is not configured to use "Windows NT Authentication". You have obviously configured the SQL Server for "SQL Server Security only".

    Check the properties of your SQL Server and you will see!

    Kindest Regards,

  • Hey!

    Thanks for the response!

    Unfortunately this SQL is set to use both Windows & SQL authentication already, as if it wasnt then the connections would never work. 

    Connections work flawlessly 99.99% of the time, but every once in a while (about once a day) we get a flood of these errors.  Unless SQL is somehow changing this setting, and then quickly changing it back, this is not the cause.


    Kindest Regards,

  • Paul,

    How are you connecting to the database. i mean do you connect through a Trusted_connection or SQL Authentication ? And whta is your connection string and from where are you calling it?

    I came across a simillar issue below but not sure if it is relevant.


  • Hey!

    We connect from an ASPX web page using SQL Authentication.  Its just a typical looking connection string:


    Thanks, Ill check out that link right away and see if it applies!


    Kindest Regards,

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