SQL Code Help

  • HI All I am trying to generate a customer error column which will be generated via code only and no table level checks. I want to loop through the rows and generate the message.

    I am getting stuck with the code, help would be much appreciated.

    DataTable: Name HRMaster

    ID Name EmpNo HR_ID ErrorMessage

    1 John 10005 123456789 'EmpNo- Incorrect'

    2 Tim 330222 123456 'HR ID- Incorrect'

    3 Harry 222 98765432 'EmpNo-Incorrect'/ 'HR ID- Incorrect'

    DECLARE @MaxID AS int

    DECLARE @MinID AS int

    DECLARE @EmpNo AS varchar(100)

    DECLARE @HR_ID AS varchar(100)

    DECLARE @ErrorEmpNo varchar(200)

    DECLARE @ErrorHR_ID varchar(200)

    DECLARE @CompleteErrorMsg varchar(200)

    -- Initiate MinID and MaxID to loop through the rows of data





    -- While loop to generate the error messages

    WHILE @MinID <= @MaxID


    -- Assign Source CLI and Destination CLI to the variables for a specific ID


    @EmpNo=EmpNo ,@HR_ID=HR_ID





    -------This is the section I am not sure of the code .. tried combinations but unable to populate the variable @CompleteErrorMsg

    IF (LEN(@EmpNo) < 10 OR LEN(@EmpNo) > 11)


    SET @ErrorEmpNo ='Error Emp number'


    IF (LEN(@HR_ID) < 10 OR LEN(@HR_ID) > 11)


    SET @ErrorHR_ID ='Error HR ID'



    GOTO Success


    SET @CompleteErrorMsg=@ErrorEmpNo + @ErrorHR_ID





    ErrorMessage = @CompleteErrorMsg





    SET @MinId = @MinId + 1


  • i'm not sure why you wnat to loop; you could do the entire table in a single pass

    something like htis:

    SELECT ' Invalid data: record '

    + convert(varchar,id)

    + 'contains an invalidly formatted HR_ID ',*

    FROM HRMaster

    WHERE LEN(HR_ID) <> 10


    SELECT ' Invalid data: record '

    + convert(varchar,id)

    + 'contains an invalidly formatted EmpNo ',*

    FROM HRMaster

    WHERE LEN(EmpNo ) <> 10


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  • Hi Lowell,

    Many thanks for the code .. I am looking to loop as I will have a number of such columns and I will want to concatenate the error messages in the one column but concatenating the error messages whenever they arise for each row.

    Thanks ..

  • I have tried your code ... many thanks again .. it works great but it returns multiple rows with 'Error Messages'.

    For my purposes I would want to have the one Error Message which lists out all the columns which have wrong data in them.

  • Hi,

    How many fields do you need to look at? If there aren't too many you could use a CASE statement, given you work the logic out correctly:

    SELECT Emp_No,



    WHEN LEN(Emp_No) < 7 AND LEN(HR_ID) < 7 THEN 'Emp_No: Too Short, HR_ID: Too Short'

    WHEN LEN(Emp_No) < 7 THEN 'Emp_No: Too Short'

    WHEN LEN(HR_ID) < 7 THEN 'HR_ID: Too Short'

    END AS Errors


    (SELECT 12345 AS Emp_No, 'abcdef' AS HR_ID) testData

    Hope this helps..



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  • aarionsql (12/5/2011)

    Hi Lowell,

    Many thanks for the code .. I am looking to loop as I will have a number of such columns and I will want to concatenate the error messages in the one column but concatenating the error messages whenever they arise for each row.

    Thanks ..

    You can do this by using CASE "functions".


    CASE WHEN LEN(HR_ID) <> 10

    THEN ' Invalid data: record '

    + convert(varchar,id)

    + 'contains an invalidly formatted HR_ID '

    ELSE ''


    + CASE WHEN LEN(EmpNo ) <> 10

    THEN ' Invalid data: record '

    + convert(varchar,id)

    + 'contains an invalidly formatted EmpNo '

    ELSE ''


    FROM HRMaster

    If necessary, you can use correlated subqueries to validate your data.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Hi Jim,

    Many thanks for your help. I should have mentioned I have gone down the route of CASE statements .. but there are far too many columns to look up which is why I am looking at the Script option.

    Thank you

  • aarionsql (12/5/2011)

    Hi Jim,

    Many thanks for your help. I should have mentioned I have gone down the route of CASE statements .. but there are far too many columns to look up which is why I am looking at the Script option.

    Thank you

    I've seen case expression go over 1000 lines. How can that possibly not be enough?

    Looks like you are going down the wrong road. What's the big goal here?

  • Jim-720070 (12/5/2011)


    How many fields do you need to look at? If there aren't too many you could use a CASE statement, given you work the logic out correctly:

    SELECT Emp_No,



    WHEN LEN(Emp_No) < 7 AND LEN(HR_ID) < 7 THEN 'Emp_No: Too Short, HR_ID: Too Short'

    WHEN LEN(Emp_No) < 7 THEN 'Emp_No: Too Short'

    WHEN LEN(HR_ID) < 7 THEN 'HR_ID: Too Short'

    END AS Errors


    (SELECT 12345 AS Emp_No, 'abcdef' AS HR_ID) testData

    Hope this helps..



    You are much better off specifying a separate CASE function for each error condition. Your approach gets unwieldy very quickly and is almost impossible to maintain if you add new error conditions. Specifying a separate CASE function for each error condition makes it very easy to ensure you have all of the possible conditions and it's also very easy to add new errors.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thanks Drew, yes I need them in one column and I have too many columns to utilise the CASE statement. Going forward for a non-technical person to maintain it or debug the code it will become an issue.

    That's why I was looking at the code.

  • Hi .. I have written it out with CASE statements but if I could sort out the one issue where the variable is going wrong then I could get the code running and easily add other conditions to it .. with the CASE staements I would have to duplicate the code a number of times in order to catch all possible error scenarios

  • aarionsql (12/5/2011)

    Hi Jim,

    Many thanks for your help. I should have mentioned I have gone down the route of CASE statements .. but there are far too many columns to look up which is why I am looking at the Script option.

    Thank you

    If you use a separate CASE function for each error, it's not going to be any more difficult to specify the error conditions using a CASE function than it is to specify using a loop and the CASE is going to be much more efficient.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • aarionsql (12/5/2011)

    Thanks Drew, yes I need them in one column and I have too many columns to utilise the CASE statement. Going forward for a non-technical person to maintain it or debug the code it will become an issue.

    That's why I was looking at the code.

    Do anticipate having non-technical people maintaining your queries? And why not use check constraints?


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    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
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  • HI Drew,

    can I have a join in a CASE statement?

  • Hi Sean,

    That's not an option as data will be copy pasted across from various data sources directly into the table.

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