sql to add identity to an existing column

  • Is there a way using SQl to add Identity (500,1) to an existing column?

    For existing records, keep what they are , but for new records start from 500?


  • Hi,

    If your column is already an Identity Column :

    DBCC CHECKIDENT (YourTable, RESEED, 499)


  • Thanks, But how about the column was not identity before?

  • Something like that must work 🙂

    CREATE TABLE dbo.YourTableTemp (column_a INT IDENTITY(500,1),column_b NVARCHAR(25) ) ;


    INSERT INTO YourTableTemp (column_a,column_b)

    SELECT column_a,column_b FROM YourTable


    EXEC sp_rename 'YourTable','YourTableOld'

    EXEC sp_rename 'YourTableTemp','YourTable'


  • What I've done in the past is to

    1. Add a new Column with IDENTITY (1, 1) to the table

    2. turn off Identity INSERT

    3. copy the values from the existing column into the identity column

    a. it's been so long I don't remember if this step worked, I might have had to update all other references to this in other tables with a simple old/new query

    4. drop the old column

    5. rename the new column to the old column's name

    6. Reseed the column starting at your new value.

  • sqlfriends (10/5/2012)

    Is there a way using SQl to add Identity (500,1) to an existing column?

    For existing records, keep what they are , but for new records start from 500?


    You cannot change an existing column to identity.

    If you need to, you will have to create a new version of the table and load your existing data.

    In SSMS, if you change the identity attribute of a column, it will generate a script to do this behind the scenes. This may be the easiest way to get this done, but you should be aware of what is actually happening, especially if the table is large.

  • Thanks, that helps.

    Can I do the below too?

    I can create a new table and with the column set up with identity (500, 1).

    Then I insert the records that existed before with SET IDENTITY_INSERT on.

    , those records were created not using identity column before.

    After this is done,

    Then insert new records , which it is supposed to start from 501


  • Yes you can do that with the script above.


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