Super user in SQL SERVER 2000

  • Hi,

    Is there any option or command to let a certain user a'super user'

    The reason for this is ,sometimes when you have a high cpu usage you can't access the Current Activity in the Enterprise Maneger

    to see all the processes .

    we used Ingres Database before and it has power user .So,I think SQL SERVER should have somthing like this.


  • All users are equal as far as processor time. You can make a user a member of the sysadmin role to give them "super user" permissions, but it doesn't change how much processor time they get.

    Instead of using EM, try running 'select * from master..sysprocesses', that will let you see everything running at that moment. You could also try using Profiler to catch events with a very high CPU usage.


  • Here's a series of scripts I use to check who's eating up the resources. Shows IO or CPU by username, db or email domain (my usernames are email addresses)

    -- Takes snapshot of cpu usage. waits 2 seconds and compares

    drop table cpu_usage


    select cpu, spid into cpu_usage from sysprocesses

    waitfor delay '000:00:2'

    select difference = p.cpu - u.cpu,

    p.cpu, p.loginame, p.spid, p.hostname, p.last_batch

    from sysprocesses p join cpu_usage u on p.spid = u.spid

    order by 1 desc

    -- Takes snapshot of io usage. waits 5 seconds and compares

    drop table cpu_usage


    select physical_io, spid into cpu_usage from sysprocesses

    waitfor delay '000:00:2'

    select difference = p.physical_io - u.physical_io,

    p.physical_io, p.loginame, p.spid, p.hostname, p.last_batch

    from sysprocesses p join cpu_usage u on p.spid = u.spid

    order by 1 desc

    -- summary cpu by email domain --

    drop table cpu_usage


    select cpu, spid into cpu_usage from sysprocesses

    waitfor delay '000:00:2'



    sum(p.cpu - u.cpu) as cpu,

    count(1) as connections

    -- p.loginame, p.cpu, p.spid, p.hostname, p.last_batch

    from sysprocesses p join cpu_usage u on p.spid = u.spid

    group by right(rtrim(p.loginame),len(rtrim(p.loginame))-charindex('@',p.loginame))

    order by 2 desc

    -- summary io by email domain --

    drop table cpu_usage


    select physical_io, spid into cpu_usage from sysprocesses

    waitfor delay '000:00:2'



    sum(p.physical_io - u.physical_io) as physical_io,

    count(1) as connections

    from sysprocesses p join cpu_usage u on p.spid = u.spid

    group by right(rtrim(p.loginame),len(rtrim(p.loginame))-charindex('@',p.loginame))

    order by 2 desc

    -- cpu by db --

    drop table cpu_usage


    select cpu, spid into cpu_usage from sysprocesses

    waitfor delay '000:00:2'



    sum(p.cpu - u.cpu) as cpu,

    max( as name,

    count(1) as connections

    from sysprocesses p join cpu_usage u on p.spid = u.spid

    inner join sysdatabases on sysdatabases.dbid = p.dbid

    group by p.dbid

    order by 2 desc

    -- io by db --

    drop table cpu_usage


    select physical_io, spid into cpu_usage from sysprocesses

    waitfor delay '000:00:2'



    sum(p.physical_io - u.physical_io) as physical_io,

    max( as name,

    count(1) as connections

    from sysprocesses p join cpu_usage u on p.spid = u.spid

    inner join sysdatabases on sysdatabases.dbid = p.dbid

    group by p.dbid

    order by 2 desc

  • quote:

    Here's a series of scripts I use to check who's eating up the resources....

    This is a useful script, but when I tried it, I got multiple lines in the cpu usage script for the same process, all with the same usage count - which didn't change on repeating. A single process (that is an spid) can spawn multiple processes on the cpu and you end up with a cross join with lines for spurious cpu usage.

    The script can be improved by also returning the kpid into the temporary table and then adding the clause 'and p.kpid=u.kpid' to the query that follows the delay.

    Tony Bater


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