System Views for finding out what logs are applied?

  • Hello

    I set up Standby log shipping and the i am able to see the log getting shipped and restored on the destination. But the destination errored out for the log backed up at 17:30 hrs (the log shipping runs every 15 mins) saying the file is being accessed by another process but applied the 17:45 log. How to find out it applied both together ; It should not have skipped the earlier one .. correct? Oracle has v$views ; Would appreciate if someone can point me to the equivalent in Sql Server..


  • Does 'sp_get_log_shipping_monitor_info' give you what you need?


  • This is SQL Server 2005 CE ; it says ''sp_get_log_shipping_monitor_info" does not exist; I tried in master and the primary database.

  • Then you need to upgrade your current version.

    -- quote BOL --


    Log shipping has the following requirements:

    SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition, SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition, or SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition must be installed on all server instances involved in log shipping.

    The servers involved in log shipping should have the same case sensitivity settings.

    The databases in a log shipping configuration must use the full or bulk-logged recovery model.

    If log shipping is used in conjunction with database mirroring, the current primary database of the log shipping configuration must be the same database as the current principal database of database mirroring. For more information, see Log Shipping and Database Mirroring Interaction.

    -- end quote --


  • Kenneth is correct in saying that the inbuilt log shipping is only available for those editions.

    With a custom built solution based on scripts, you can run on any edition of SQL Server, you just don't get all the niceties of the inbuilt version.

    If this is the case then you'll probably want to check the backup history tables in the msdb database.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • I guess some depth information is required more on Log shipping & Fail over clustering to config this kind of set up. Better take a guide thoroughly on that and try to find out the what was the real problems..........

  • VAIYDEYANATHAN.V.S (10/25/2007)

    I guess some depth information is required more on Log shipping & Fail over clustering to config this kind of set up. Better take a guide thoroughly on that and try to find out the what was the real problems..........

    Sorry, I didn't think this had anything to do with clustering which is a totally different technology.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Thanks to all who responded.

    I found the following query useful.

    select database_name, backup_finish_date

    , type, [name], user_name, first_lsn, last_lsn, * from backupset

    where database_name = 'YOUR_DATABASE_NAME_HERE'

    order by 2

    But still how to find if the log is applied at the Standby?

  • Check the same backup tables on the standby, they'll have the restore information.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • every log restore will be recorded in the errorlog, so go back through that and see which actual logs were restored.

    they must have been restored in order else the log restore would have failed...........


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