t-sql update(help me)

  • tbl_indicator

    grp_nbr, sect_nbr, indicat

    001234 100 p

    002345 101 s


    grp_id, grp_nbr, sect_nbr, indicat

    333 001987 100 a

    555 001987 100 p

    444 002987 101 s

    222 02987 101 y

    Here (in tbl_group) grp_id is Primary Key


    order_id, grp_id

    5000 333

    5001 555

    5002 555

    5003 555

    5004 444

    5005 444

    5006 222

    Here (in tbl_order) grp_id is a Foreign Key to grp_id in tbl_group.

    In table tbl_indiactor, for one set of grp_nbr and sect_nbr there is an indicat, for the same set of grp_nbr and sect_nbr there is a correct indicat(555,1, 100, p) and a junk indicat(333, 1, 100, a) in table tbl_group, but both these grp_id s(333, 555) are present in table tbl_orders.

    and one more thing here is that the junk data(indicat) in group table (222, 02987, 101, y) the grp_nbr has one character length less than the grp_nbr in tbl_indicat. it should use something 'LIKE' operator how can we handle this??

    Now i need to update tbl_order table in such a way that the junk grp_id s should be replaced with correct grp_id s

    The output should like:


    order_id, grp_id

    5000 555

    5001 555

    5002 555

    5003 555

    5004 444

    5005 444

    5006 444

  • First, please don't cross post to other forums. People scan all places.

    Second, please give DDL and tables so someone can test and provide help. Include data as well:

    create table tbl_indicator

    ( grp_nbr varchar(10)

    , sect_nbr varchar(10)

    , indicat varchar(10)


    insert tbl_indicator select '001234', '100', 'p'

    insert tbl_indicator select '002345', '101', 's'

    In terms of your question, you need to define what is valid and what is junk with rules, not just stating that a row is junk or a row is valid. We don't understand the data or meaning, so you need to explain this clearly. State the relationships, and state what rules you have for determining whether a row is to be returned or not.

    Also, state the question. What are you trying to return. You can show results, and please use the code-other formatting for results, but we need to understand what you are trying to return. Don't ask someone to dig in and try to decode your results.

  • Did the solution I posted for you a couple of days ago not work?


  • no..

  • create table tbl_indicator


    grp_nbr varchar(30),

    sect_nbr varchar(30),

    indicat varchar(30)


    insert into tbl_indicator select '001234','100','p'

    insert into tbl_indicator select '002345','101','s'

    create table tbl_group


    grp_id int primary key,

    grp_nbr varchar(30),

    sect_nbr varchar(30),

    indicat varchar(30)


    insert into tbl_group select '333','1','100','a'

    insert into tbl_group select '555','1','100','p'

    insert into tbl_group select '444','2','101','s'

    insert into tbl_group select '222','2','101','y'

    create table cr.tbl_order


    order_id int,

    grp_id int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES tbl_group (grp_id)


    so if i dont find any indicat for a set of grp_nbr and sect_nbr which exists in tbl_grp that which doesnt exist in tbl_indivator then that record is the junk record in tbl_group table..

  • Well, as Steve mentioned, can you be a little more clear on your problem? Why didn't my solution work? It did give back the resulting table you were asking for.

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