Talking baseball

  • calvo (7/13/2016)

    Ray K (7/11/2016)

    The visitors even had "NEW YORK" on their jerseys. I was admittedly torn as to what team to root for! 🙂

    That's easy. Definitely not the New York team...


    I remember saying the All Star game needed consequences, did you guys know that the winner gets home field advantage in the World Series?

    Yep, I was aware. I'm not that crazy about it. Personally, I think home field advantage should be based on records. I remember the criticism that the ASG had become "meaningless" and just an exhibition; hence the decision to base the World Series advantage on it. My thinking is, what's wrong with just an exhibition? If you look at the guys on the field, you'll see them laughing it up and embracing the camaraderie. I don't think they're thinking "World Series home field," I'm guessing that all they're doing is having fun -- which is what it should be about.

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  • I don't think the ASG should matter. It ends up getting mismanaged for a game that matters. If it matters, don't change pitchers too often and get everyone in.

    Personally, I think it should just be fun. Put everyone on one side of the field and pitch someone inside, make them pull it. Toss a few softball like high balls at a batter once in awhile. Let's laugh.

  • In case you haven't seen it, ESPN is ranking the greatest ballplayers of all time.

    Agree? Disagree? Let the debate begin!

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  • Just because I like to hate, I stopped reading the shortstop list after "His clutch play...". Why do they have Alex Rodriguez as a shortstop? He's been playing third/DH for the last 10 years except when he was suspended for lying 3 times about doing steroids.

    How can you include active players in this "all-time greatest"? I love Mike Trout, good guy, amazing player. But he's 4 years into his career is that long enough to say he's the 6th best all-time center fielder? If that's the case, no Bryce Harper in right field?

    Why separate left from right handed pitchers? It's not like one has some type of advantage over the other that makes comparison illogical. I must say, however, Bob Feller has an AMAZING leg kick.

    Not a fan of "best ever" lists

    p.s. can you tell I'm in a grumpy mood? :hehe:

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  • I hate the best of links. They are always bent towards today's players, the popular ones. We can't judge anyone until they've been done for at least a year.

  • Correa gets 4 years for "hacking" the Astros. The ex-Cardinal turned General Manager for the Astros had to turn over his laptop back to the St. Louis organization. He also had to provide the password for the laptop. This password happened to be "similar" to the password he now uses for the Astros organization's personnel database. This is how Correa gained access.

    Lessons learned:

    1. don't reuse passwords

    2. Never ever ever ever give anyone your password under any circumstances

    3. don't access systems without authorization from the system owner

    Number 1 and 2 are simple, 3 could be blurry sometimes. You might think authorization is implied (I am authorized to access system A which is connected to system B, so I must also be authorized to access system B), wrooooong. You might think that since you have access, that you are authorized (gee, my credentials work and I can get into the system), wroooooooong. You might think authorization is transferable (My personal account is authorized, i should be able to use a service account/admin account as well), wroooooong.

    Make sure you have documented authorization to access a specific system with specific credentials.

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  • I had just read that. He's the all time hits leader in my book!

    Hard work, practice, and humility pays off.

    Warmest regards,

    A Rose fan, no more

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  • Okay, here's a question for debate and/or discussion...

    With the non-waiver trade deadline looming, what trades would you like to see (or think should) happen?

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  • Trade the Yankees lineup for the Cubs


  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (7/21/2016)

    Trade the Yankees lineup for the Cubs


    I wish!

    Personally, I'd like to see the Yanks trade Chapman for some hitting prospects. I really hope they do not trade Andrew Miller or Dellin Betances!

    Check out my blog at

  • Speaking of trades, at least Chapman isn't on this list[/url] like Sandoval.

    It has got to sting to continue paying someone 10s of millions of dollars per year while they are not playing, injured, or just have become a terrible player. Their #1 untradeable is Hector Olivera. How can you pay someone in their 30s, 10 million a year for 5 years without scouting them in the minors and having any way to determine performance? Yes, he played in Cuba, but that's not the big leagues! Even Harper signed at the Rookie league min of 500k straight out of high school and now he's getting paid 2 mil/year! Here you have a ROY, MVP, Silver Slugger, and multi-year all-star getting paid 5x less than Olivera.

    Clubs should wise up and start tying the bulk of salaries to performance objectives with behavior clauses. MLBPA probably wouldn't let that happen and clubs probably aren't hurting for money which is why they make these deals in the first place.

    P.S. Harper could enter arbitration at the end of this year and he's a free agent in 2019. This kid will either end up in NY or Boston. If he lands in Boston, I'll buy a Harper jersey. If he lands in NY, well, you know how that goes 😀

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  • Looks like Chapman to the Cubs is going to happen. Supposedly the only thing holding it up is that Chapman and the Cubs are talking contract extension.

    Anyone catch the Hall of Fame induction ceremony yesterday? Piazza and Junior -- two class acts going into the Hall!

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  • Chapman to the Cubs... they are certainly the club to beat now.

  • With only an hour left until the non-waiver trading deadline, the hot stove is heating up!

    Latest one I heard: Jay Bruce to the Mets.

    And this Yankee fan is still shaking his head about Andrew Miller to Cleveland. I hope the prospects we got back are worth it!

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