Talking baseball

  • calvo - Thursday, February 9, 2017 10:52 AM

    Did you guys see the rule change implemented in the minors this year?
    In an attempt to shorten games, extra innings start off with a man on 2nd.

    Yes, and I think it SUCKS.  What are they thinking?!?!?!?

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  • Markus - Thursday, February 9, 2017 10:58 AM

    The Marlins team maybe sold:

    Marlins Reportedly Have “Handshake Agreement†To Sell Team

    By  | February 9, 2017 at 10:27am CDT

    The Marlins have a “handshake agreement†in place to sell the team to a New York-based real estate developer for the price of $1.6 billion, reports Mike Ozanian of Forbes. Ozanian cites two anonymous sources that claim to have been told by Marlins president David Samson that the deal is in place. The $1.6 billion price tag would be more than 10 times the $158MM price at which owner Jeffrey Loria purchased the team back in 2002.The hangup in the reported agreement for the time being is that the potential buyer does not have enough liquid assets to make the purchase, as the majority of his net worth is tied up in real estate investments. Allowing this buyer to purchase the team would require more debt than Major League Baseball would be comfortable with, per Ozanian.As Ozanian points out, the Dodgers’ current ownership group took on an enormous amount of debt when buying the team for $2 billion, but Guggenheim Baseball Management also had hundred of millions of dollars in hedge fund money and a $6 billion television agreement that dwarfs the Marlins’ current contract with Fox Sports Florida.Clark Spencer of the Miami Herald writes that he reached out to Samson in light of the Forbes report but was met with a reply of, “no comment at all.†There have been reports since December that Loria could consider a sale of the team, with Ozanian reporting at the time that Loria sought a $1.7 billion price tag. In Ozanian’s latest report, he notes that Solamere Capital considered purchasing the club and had been discussing a $1.4 billion price with Loria.A sale of the Marlins would bring to a close one of the most controversial ownership tenures in recent history. Loria has been widely panned by both fans and the media for an unwillingness to spend on the on-field product, orchestrating multiple fire sales even after winning the World Series in 2003 and opening a new, taxpayer-funded stadium in 2012. As Vocativ’s Joe Lemire points out (on Twitter), if the sale of the team does ultimately go through, Loria will have paid just $15.5MM of the $325MM that is owed to star right fielder Giancarlo Stanton on his exceptionally backloaded 13-year contract.

    Oh say this IS so!!!  Jeff Loria is, IMHO, one of the worst things ever to happen to baseball.  The sooner we can get rid of him, the better.  Good riddance.

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  • Ray K - Thursday, February 9, 2017 11:34 AM

    calvo - Thursday, February 9, 2017 10:52 AM

    Did you guys see the rule change implemented in the minors this year?
    In an attempt to shorten games, extra innings start off with a man on 2nd.

    Yes, and I think it SUCKS.  What are they thinking?!?!?!?

    Yeah, as a traditionalist when it comes to baseball I am turned off by the idea. It would be better if they just allowed tie games. The season is long enough that a few ties won't really impact overall standings (most of the time). And even if it did, perhaps teams would employ new late game strategies during the regular season.

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  • calvo - Friday, February 10, 2017 5:33 AM

    Ray K - Thursday, February 9, 2017 11:34 AM

    calvo - Thursday, February 9, 2017 10:52 AM

    Did you guys see the rule change implemented in the minors this year?
    In an attempt to shorten games, extra innings start off with a man on 2nd.

    Yes, and I think it SUCKS.  What are they thinking?!?!?!?

    Yeah, as a traditionalist when it comes to baseball I am turned off by the idea. It would be better if they just allowed tie games. The season is long enough that a few ties won't really impact overall standings (most of the time). And even if it did, perhaps teams would employ new late game strategies during the regular season.

    Tell me about it.  I think it's Japan -- the Nippon Professional League, I believe -- where games can't go past (I think it was) 15 innings.  If it's tied, it's tied.  If they're so concerned about game lengths, then I'd much rather see that than this stupid thing where they put a runner on second.

    Of course, then, we wouldn't have classic 17 inning games, or the 33 inning Pawtucket vs. Rochester game back in the day (anyone remember that one?)!

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  • I can sum this up with one word
    No more 4-ball intentional walks. Bad move MLB. In an effort to "improve the pace of play" you are removing these "antiquated" processes that can sometimes make or break the game. 
    I have an idea. 3 strikes is too many, let's move to 2 strikes and 3 balls to make games go faster. Let's change the strike zone to be 2 inches either side of the plate and from head to toe. 
    Bah humbug is what I say.

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  • calvo - Wednesday, February 22, 2017 9:56 AM

    I can sum this up with one word
    No more 4-ball intentional walks. Bad move MLB. In an effort to "improve the pace of play" you are removing these "antiquated" processes that can sometimes make or break the game. 
    I have an idea. 3 strikes is too many, let's move to 2 strikes and 3 balls to make games go faster. Let's change the strike zone to be 2 inches either side of the plate and from head to toe. 
    Bah humbug is what I say.

    Agree completely.  And if anyone wonders why, you need to look no further than this[/url].  An intentional walk is no gimme!

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  • Wild pitches happen, but rarely. Most of the time the Intentional walk is annoying, at least to me. Speeding up the game matters, and anything they can do is good. I'd like to see more pitcher/hitter pressure to get things moving.

    I was glad when the adult league got rid of the need to  throw four.  Even better, some of the umps let an injured/non running  batter skip walking to first for the sake of ceremony

  • Totally agree, the speed of the game matters. Perhaps, if the MLB truly wanted to improve the pace of play, they shouldn't focus on modifying the heart of the game where returns are minimal, but focus on extraneous activities where returns are much greater. Yes, limit visits to the mound, limit in some reasonable fashion time to pitch (TTP?), prevent batter's box walk-abouts. However, I'd like to see the metrics of how many minutes commercials count for each game. Find ad revenue elsewhere to preserve the pace of the game.

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  • I'm not sure what to do with pace. When I'm at games, it doesn't seem like warmups are longer between innings, which are commercial time. I would like to see limited mounds, limited between pitch times. However, fundamentally, the game is slow. Perhaps more of what I'd like is something that creates more hits and less pitches. Lower the mound?

  • The game is inherently slow.... until there's a wild pitch on an intentional walk and the winning run scores from 2nd base in the bottom of the 14th!!!
    :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:
    Yeah, a 3 hour game is good. They have to figure out what causes games to go 3:30 or 4 hours and address those specific issues. Perhaps pitcher changes should be limited as well, I've seen two or three changes in one inning. That alone could be 15 minutes.

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  • I came across an interesting article in the NY Times where they made suggestions for speeding up the game.

    I just skimmed the article -- I didn't have a chance to really go through it -- but it looks like a mixed bag.  Some of the ideas seem okay, some are tongue-in-cheek, some I don't agree with.

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  • The article is a bit silly, but some things make sense. I'd go to

    • 2-3 timeouts for managers or catchers to walk out and talk.
    • Other than that, if you want a pitching change, signal it. No mound visits.
    • Only enough warm up pitches for a new pitcher to fit in 30s commercial spot.
    • Set a time between innings, maybe 2.5 minutes (4 commercials)
    • Time limit between pitches. Batter can do what they want, but the pitcher can pitch when they're ready after the first pitch.
    • like the signaled intentional walk
    • I'd like subs in/out like other sports, but they can only be on a pitching change or between innings.
  • Opening Day is gone and not a peep out of this thread! 
    I happened to be home on Opening Day, listened to a little ball on the radio. Tried to watch a few minutes of the Nats opening day ceremonies on TV, but got pulled away.
    Was anyone fortunate enough to attend an opening day?

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  • My Reds are gonna stink....   I think the Indians are going to be major playoff contenders....   Sigh.....

    Cool on Madison Bumgarner hitting two home runs on Opening Day.

    Since the season has started... Who wants to start predictions....   Playoff contenders, W Series matchups.... HR leaders...  Batting AVG leaders... Surprise players and teams.......

  • Overseas this week, so completely missing news. I forgot things kicked off this week. 

    Go Rockies (for a few months at least)

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