The Easy Poll

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  • I want SP5 for SQL Server 2000. (Dont care about SQL 2005. I am waiting for SQL 2008, although already legal on 2005)

    Consulting DBA / Developer
    South Africa

  • Give me SP3!

    We're currently pushing to get the 5th cumulative update on one of our servers (cause we keep running into a problem that was fixed in SP2 and fixed again in a patch that made it into CU 4)

    We're running into reluctance because 'It's not a service pack. We should wait for the next service pack'. Meanwhile I'm flushing out the token cache every 3 hours...

    SP5 for 2000, not so much. All my remaining SQL 2000 servers are vendor apps. If they don't say we can patch/upgrade, we're not allowed to. They haven't allowed an upgrade to SQL 2005, so I doubt they'll test a SP5.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • I think the interesting question is: what do you want in SQL2K5 SP3?

  • Absolutely, definitly, no question we want SP for both and regular SP for supported products.

  • My answer's rather more basic. I want my SQL servers to be reasonably bug-free and secure. I'm not too concerned about how that's achieved. If Microsoft wanted to rebadge their last cumulative update as "Service Pack 3", I wouldn't be any the wiser, but would be just as happy. As long as I have the mechanisms I need AND those mechanisms are reasonably easy to administer, that'll do it for me.

    Semper in excretia, sumus solum profundum variat

  • My answere to the big Q is of courses YES I want an SP3.

  • As a developer I want a stable platform to work off.

    Most MS customers don't necessarily understand what goes in to a service pack or update - especially those that outsource IT/small number of staff etc, but to me having a more rigorously tested app with a complete roll up of all issues to date X is a plus.

    We generally don't go to the next product unless SP1 is out and tested. I went Vista on Feb 1 2007 and am still getting bitten by can't develop from that machine yet! Do I hear an XP service pack anyone?

    2000 SP5? Yes - only 10% of our customers are on anything else. Why change your workhorse when it still gives you what you need?

    2005 SP3? Thats a given surely!

  • Oh certainly a huge yes regarding SP-release :exclamationmark:

    Why, because IMHO a SP is considered to be a stable release, tested well by the manufacturer. Certainly worth a general test and go.

    A cumulative update is just a new package of hotfixes, designed for certain issues, so IMO not _that_ stable for us (systems managers) to give it a general test and go.

    Also with CUs the frequency is to high to set up a release cycle every time.

    After all, we have to determine which version of the software we will install by default when a new instance is being asked for.

    For now that is set to SQL2005 SP2 + CU4.

    But the active production instances are not yet being upgraded with CU4. (they are still on CU2)


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  • I'd agree with Alzdba.

    We're rolling out SQL 2005 at the moment mainly it's had 2 service packs and for me this is an indicator that the manufacturer's put some effort into ensuring that all those initial bugs have been ironed out. I haven't bothered with the cumulative updates so far because I'm a bit nervous about applying something that comes with a disclaimer saying:

    "This cumulative update package may receive additional testing. Therefore, if you are not severely affected by any of these problems, we recommend that you wait for the next SQL Server 2005 service pack that contains the hotfixes in this cumulative update package"

    So yeah - I'd like SP3 - please.

  • Yes, absolutely, Microsoft should be required to release an SP3 for SQL2005. While our shop is still relatively new to SQL2005, (we just recently installed SP2), it was a tremendous surprise to see that there are over 270 different "SQL Bug Numbers" listed in the 5 Cumulative Updates since SP2 was release last May.

    It was an even bigger surprise to read on one of the forums from one of Microsoft's own people: "We have no official plans for a future service pack for SQL Server 2005. We will continue with cumulative updates and hotfixes as long as necessary to support SQL Server 2005. If there are benefits to installing a Cumulative Update package and you weighed the risks, you would be better off installing the CU instead of waiting for another service pack."

  • Yes - we need SP 3 & 5.

    Does anyone have a link or article that stats MS is not going to make SP3?

    -- Cory

  • It is beyond me that they would even question the service pack paradigm. Absolutely YES. As a vendor we rely on the Service Pack break points for testing. Cumulative updates are too fuzzy.

  • Cory,

    Check out this forum:

    It contains a post from Paul A. Mestemaker II, a Program Manager with Microsoft SQL Server

  • Exactly. From a change control perspective it makes it so much harder to keep track of which updates have been applied to however many instances of SQL you have.

    We use a lot of 3rd party software and the vendors ask us from time-to-time which version of SQL we're running. It's so much easier to say SQL 2005 + SP2 or SQL 2000 + SP4 rather than SQL 2005 + SP2 + CU 1, 3 ....

    Much easier to say SQL 2005 + SP3 (and from a support perspective I imagine this is much easier too)

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