The Missing Certification

  • CirquedeSQLeil (4/5/2010)

    Let's pull it for now. The wrong wording could create too many questions right now. I think the remaining items though would be less of an issue at this point.

    okay. I will wait for others (Wayne particularly and Lynn if he is around) to give more feedback before I fix it.

  • dma-669038 (4/5/2010)

    ok, here goes...

    I have tried to include the topics we have discussed here. Please post some feedback on verbage etc before we send it out to all (or if it is ok please say so). Thanks.

    Can we get you to hyperlink the web address? Just put [ url ] / [ /url ] tags around it (without the spaces).

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • WayneS (4/5/2010)

    I don't know. But, there is a SQL Saturday this weekend in Richmond, VA that I'll be attending. If we can have something ready by then, I'll do what I can to spread the word.

    Say hi to Andy L and Jessica for me!

  • CirquedeSQLeil (4/5/2010)

    Capitalization of SQL Server should be consistent throughout.

    I think I would also reword the questions that say "this certification" to " a middle tier certification."

    Some verbiage at the beginning to describe the purpose of this poll (to create a new certification level) could be helpful as well.

    So far, it looks good and could prove useful.

    I agree with Jason about the Capitalization of SQL Server throughout to be consistent, and in the verbiage at the top to describe the purpose. I also agree with the others about #7 being worded badly, and should be removed from it for now.

    Since the first question talks about creating a mid level certification, I'm okay with the remaining questions referring to "this certification".

    I'd like to see some questions about:

    1. Should this certification require an examination?

    2. Should this certification require a lab?

    3. Should this certification require a certification board?

    4. How many board members should the certification board consist of?

    Question #3: Currently, the vote for TIS is for 18 mos. Would it be wise to split this down to 1 yr, 18mos, 2 yr, 3-5 yr? I'd yank the >5 yrs... that seems to be stretching TIS way too far, IMHO.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • Steve Jones - Editor (4/5/2010)

    WayneS (4/5/2010)

    I don't know. But, there is a SQL Saturday this weekend in Richmond, VA that I'll be attending. If we can have something ready by then, I'll do what I can to spread the word.

    Say hi to Andy L and Jessica for me!

    Okay. (But you could come on out to your old stomping grounds and say hi yourself... and provide the chance for us to actually meet!)

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • (Well, when I don't clearly state what I really want, then what I get is what I asked for!)

    I was meaning to edit your previous message... but thanks for doing this anyway!

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • Jeff Moden (4/2/2010)

    ... does anyone know if MCM's are taught how to use something like a Tally table or how to do a dynamic cross tab in their 3 weeks of bootcamp?

    Not sure but - a few weeks back while comparing running totals performed by the quirky update vs recursive CTE's, the only MCM I have direct exposure to admitted having no knowledge of running totals capability in SQL Server. The quirky update was news to him and also to our resident DBA. The MCM isn't a developer's course though, and the quirky update is a developer's tool, like the tally table and dynamic cross tabs.

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  • I think the survey is okay. I'm not a big fan of question #2, but I don't think that is a reason to move it out of the survey.

    I'd re-word question 7, but that's because I support using continuing education credits to maintain the certification vs. being re-tested, and don't think the certification should be version specific. Based on what I've seen in this thread, I'm in the minority though. Still, perhaps adding a question that asks if the certification should be version specific and re-wording question 7 to ask if the certification should be maintained using continuing education or re-testing (even if a smaller upgrade test).

    As a chapter leader I'd be willing to put the survey out to my user group.

    Jack Corbett
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  • Thank you Jack, i will clean up the survey for all feedback recieved so far and send out a 'clean' version tonight. I think it was agreed to to remove Question 7 and to separate the question on tests/interviews to multiple instead of 1. Other changes are cosmetic. If I am missing anything someone please let me know.

  • Chris Morris-439714 (4/6/2010)

    Jeff Moden (4/2/2010)

    ... does anyone know if MCM's are taught how to use something like a Tally table or how to do a dynamic cross tab in their 3 weeks of bootcamp?

    Not sure but - a few weeks back while comparing running totals performed by the quirky update vs recursive CTE's, the only MCM I have direct exposure to admitted having no knowledge of running totals capability in SQL Server. The quirky update was news to him and also to our resident DBA. The MCM isn't a developer's course though, and the quirky update is a developer's tool, like the tally table and dynamic cross tabs.

    The MCM does cover both development and database administration. I don't find it alarming though that this person did not know of these tools.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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