The Missing Certification

  • If Sun did not leave so much needed engineering unfinished I would have returned to Java because Java education is clean and very cheap and yes few people pass it but I know I could pass it.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Gift Peddie (3/25/2010)

    The underlined section is the part that is causing the biggest issue here.

    It appears that you are saying that certain individuals are preventing you from using a braindump. We know that there is software and study materials provided by the Companies for which the certification applies. I don't see how they are trying to keep people out by any means other than requiring an NDA be signed and attempting to prohibit the use of braindumps.

    There is nothing in there that relates to braindump but here are some fun facts about access to Microsoft software education.

    The BOL Microsoft gives out free was $100 when I was studying for MCDBA, I made Microsoft offer it for free.

    The book below is the worst in Microsoft press history it comes with almost 100 pages of errata. Education in America comes with built in road blocks my issues are more about access and good material which Microsoft comes short of providing.

    I repeat I am not saying anything about cheating but the elites are created by Microsoft and corporate America.

    First, Education is NOT a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Second, it isn't Microsoft's or Corporate America's fault for the dumbing down of the US Educational System. I blame the Educational Academia and Unions for allowing and keeping unqualified individuals to teach our children and top administrators and the government for not paying teachers what they should be paid for doing one of the most IMPORTANT jobs in the country. Teachers leave education for the private sector because it pays better.

    Its sad when you can't fail in school but you can fail in life. "I'm sorry, you can't say little Johnny failed because it will hurt his self-esteem." You know what, Corporate America doesn't give a rats tails *** about your self-esteem. You are hired to do a job, you better be able to do the job or you are gone.

    It's also sad that children aren't taught to think critically when it is most important to learn that skill, early in life. No, if they are even taught that it isn't until high school or college, if then. Many times it isn't until they are out in the real world, and then it's learn by trail and error.

    You also see it here in SSC a lot. Look at the number of questions asked that could be answered FASTER by a simple google/bing search or just opening up Books Online and checking the index or doing a search there.

    Bottom line, we need need to get back to what made America great (and this isn't directed just at American's either by the way), personal responsibility, perserverance, integrity. I am responsible for my own failures and successes. I learn more from my failures than my successes.

    And by the way, if the book is so bad, why don't you take the initiative to write a better one instead of complaining about how bad it is. Build a better mouse trap...

  • Easy, easy, everyone. Sorry I haven't responded sooner.

    Braindumps, showing just the questions from an exam, is not a valid way to study or pass the exam. Regardless of what is done in other exams, or other industries, that in fact does lower the value, and achievement of the exam.

    If someone were to give you the type of questions, and covering lots of possibilities, in order to prepare you, then that is fine. I don't think anyone has a problem with that. It's the people that show, or offer to show, the information from the exam that many of us complain about.

    The LSAT, and other exams, are more standard, and have more of a pool of questions over time. I've heard, not sure if it's true, that the MS exams typically are around 200 questions, which is a low pool.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (3/26/2010)

    I've heard, not sure if it's true, that the MS exams typically are around 200 questions, which is a low pool.

    I've heard the same.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Corporate America does give a rats tails *** about your self-esteem. <<GO Lynn, well said 🙂 There is a lot to be said for improvement of the MS tests as it is about the software they make. To my mind it is still a simple easy way to learn the features of the product. Using braindumps and that kind of stuff limits the individual's learning and that is really a problem with how they learn. If you are hiring someone purely based on certs, bad idea, but then, make the hiring process a little difficult. Throw it questions from real life and ask how the individual would deal with it. That is one way. There will be people who find loopholes in every system and every process no matter what, it is really upto us to fix it or take advantage of what it has to offer.

  • Fixed some typos in my rant above (does should have been doesn't, for one).

  • First, Education is NOT a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Second, it isn't Microsoft's or Corporate America's fault for the dumbing down of the US Educational System. I blame the Educational Academia and Unions for allowing and keeping unqualified individuals to teach our children and top administrators and the government for not paying teachers what they should be paid for doing one of the most IMPORTANT jobs in the country. Teachers leave education for the private sector because it pays better.

    I was not included in the constitution and I live in Texas the Texas Supreme court says it is and President Lincoln also told Texas it must educate my race the reason for the two Texas AM&M systems are equal today. Texas education fund is managed by a judge for more than twenty years.

    One of the poorest neighborhood in Houston school last year win one million dollar academic prize. So the Texas Supreme court is right and what you say again is your opinion.

    Microsoft and corporate America was sarcasm to the idiots they promote for who they are and not what they know. Including the people who are given finished code and what later becomes their star books.

    And by the way, if the book is so bad, why don't you take the initiative to write a better one instead of complaining about how bad it is. Build a better mouse trap...

    The state of Texas gave similar excuse and the Supreme Court said the children are the future so the state legislature is not fit to be trusted with that future and stripped it of the right to distribute the funds.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Gift Peddie (3/26/2010)

    First, Education is NOT a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Second, it isn't Microsoft's or Corporate America's fault for the dumbing down of the US Educational System. I blame the Educational Academia and Unions for allowing and keeping unqualified individuals to teach our children and top administrators and the government for not paying teachers what they should be paid for doing one of the most IMPORTANT jobs in the country. Teachers leave education for the private sector because it pays better.

    I was not included in the constitution and I live in Texas the Texas Supreme court says it is and President Lincoln also told Texas it must educate my race the reason for the two Texas AM&M systems are equal today. Texas education fund is managed by a judge for more than twenty years.

    One of the poorest neighborhood in Houston school last year win one million dollar academic prize. So the Texas Supreme court is right and what you say again is your opinion.

    Not opinion, fact.

    And by the way, if the book is so bad, why don't you take the initiative to write a better one instead of complaining about how bad it is. Build a better mouse trap...

    The state of Texas gave similar excuse and the Supreme Court said the children are the future so the state legislature is not fit to be trusted with that future and stripped it of the right to distribute the funds.

    What does this have to do with writing a better book than Microsoft??

    And by the way, I agree that children are the future, and it is up to us to educate them, and it needs to be controlled at the local level, not the federal level.

  • Gift Peddie (3/26/2010)

    President Lincoln also told Texas it must educate my race

    Are you sure about that?

    Lincoln died in 1865 and Texas started Secession proceedings in 1861 when Lincoln first became President. Texas was not admitted back into the Union with full regards until 1870.

    (source Texas State Library)

    Furthermore, Education is not a guaranteed right to anybody. It is not a system of fairness and equality though people want to throw that out there. Education is a privilege. And like it or not, some people become more educated than others due to opportunities not granted to others.

    It is your right to vote and bare arms, but it is only a privilege to be educated.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • What does this have to do with writing a better book than Microsoft??

    And by the way, I agree that children are the future, and it is up to us to educate them, and it needs to be controlled at the local level, not the federal level.

    The exams cost $125 so Microsoft is obligated to provide a decent book. The joys of the US is competition Oracle owns the missing engineering note to self check back Oracle site to see new changes in Java.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Gift Peddie (3/26/2010)

    The exams cost $125 so Microsoft is obligated to provide a decent book.

    I disagree! Microsoft is not obligate to provide any books!

    Alvin Ramard
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  • Gift Peddie (3/26/2010)

    What does this have to do with writing a better book than Microsoft??

    And by the way, I agree that children are the future, and it is up to us to educate them, and it needs to be controlled at the local level, not the federal level.

    The exams cost $125 so Microsoft is obligated to provide a decent book. The joys of the US is competition Oracle owns the missing engineering note to self check back Oracle site to see new changes in Java.

    No they aren't. If I created a business that offered a MS Centric certification between MCITP and MCM, I would have absolutely NO obligation to provide ANY study materials beyond a guide as to what the test would cover such that people paying to take the tests would know what to expect on the test.

  • Should Microsoft Press do a better job of vetting the book written, perhaps, but Microsoft is under no obligation to provide such books.

  • "Should Microsoft Press do a better job of vetting the book written, perhaps, but Microsoft is under no obligation to provide such books."

    True. And we're under no obligation to seek their certifications.

  • Yes, they aren't obligated to provide anything other than what comes with the software. Also the 70-450 series for 2008 does not have a training kit perhaps as an attempt to steer away from the model so far. The 2008 exams are far better than ones before and demand some real world experience, or atleast trying out the software. Let us give credit where it is due.

    That said if a book published by MS has lot of errata an apology and a corrected later edition perhaps would be in order, that might be a suggestion to forward sometime. They do listen to suggestions and implement where appropriate and a lot has been given on certification.

    I will say one last thing, I make a living out of MS products as a lot of people here. To expect people like us to take down the company completely and blame them for so many ills in society is somewhat inappropriate (to me) - perhaps this argumetn has to go one of the many forums that are dedicated to that kind of debates and arguments and we need to keep the focus on how to improve and work with certifications the way they are now.

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