The SSIS service in 2012

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item The SSIS service in 2012

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  • A good question. Helps to clarify SSIS concept.

    In fact when SSIS service stopped, one can execute the SSIS package using the following utilities,

    SQL server Import & Export Wizard

    SSIS Designer


    DTExec.exe command prompt utility

    Reference: Description of the SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) service and of alternatives to clustering the SSIS service -

  • Good one.


  • Good question, help me re-affirm something I thought I knew and as it turned out I did know it.....

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  • Nice question



    Igor Micev,
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  • Good question thanks.

    :exclamation: "Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience." :exclamation:

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • good question!!!!


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  • Given that Integration Services is not cluster aware, you'd have to avoid its use on a cluster with multiple instances anyway. So it has to be done via the file system if you stack instances, at least in 2008. Haven't heard if 2012 changes that....

  • Thanks for the question and info!

  • Good question.

    But my brain is not working right today. I thought to myself "can I execute a package if SSIS service isn't running? Yes, of course I can" and ticked "YES", which of course is the opposite (because the question doesn'tsya can you do that, it says do you need SSIS service running to execute a package). Shouldn't try to answer QotD when brain not sufficiently in gear.


  • thanks for the question - cheers

  • A simple one for me - I am dealing with SSIS daily. Thanks, Koen!

  • thanks Koen

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • jeff.mason (5/29/2012)

    Given that Integration Services is not cluster aware, you'd have to avoid its use on a cluster with multiple instances anyway. So it has to be done via the file system if you stack instances, at least in 2008. Haven't heard if 2012 changes that....

    Not really sure about 2012. In the project deployment model, SSIS resides inside the database engine, so I would tend to believe it behaves a bit better in a clustered environment.

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