Transaction in SSIS

  • Hi,

    I have a package with 3 parallel data flow tasks added in a sequence container. I need to implement transaction such that, the transaction completes if all the 3 DFTs successfully executes. If any of the DFt fails, then transaction should rollback. How do i achieve this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi..

    set the transaction property to required for sequence container,then if any task fails it will rollback




  • Anil,

    Thanks. But it didnot work. What should be the transaction type for the inner DFTs?

    Also, can we implement transaction when DFTs are in parallel or those needs to be executing one after another?

  • The transaction property for all of the tasks in the sequence container should be set to Supported. The sequence will open the transaction, and then the DFT's will join it. Also, make sure you set Fail Parent on Fail for the Error(sic) property

  • Hi ..

    please follow the rich suggestions and let us know about it.




  • Hi,

    I am Finally solved....

    1. Set the Transaction type to supported to sequence container and all the DFTs inside. Set isolation level to Read Commited to sequence container and Read Uncommited to DFTs.

    2. Added success and failure precedence constrint for each DFT to commit and Rollback execute sql tasks inside sequence container.

    Make a note here that, the 3 DFTs were not connected to each other.

    They were in parallel.

    Achieved the scene that if any of the DFT fails, entire thing should rollback...


  • Will again give a try by setting failparent properties...

    Thanks Rich & Anil

  • inside sequence contain why we take execute sql there any reasion.

    what ever to given idea i follow but its now working i taken 3 dft inside sequence container and set propertie for

    sequence contariner transaction=suported and isolation =read commited and remain dft and dft1 and dft2 all are set properties like transaction=suported and isolation= read uncommited and i conffigure each dft and dft1 and dft2 .

    when ever source commeing good rows that time execute all records suuces full to load destination.

    suppose dft source one errore occure that time remaing dft1 and dft2 succesfuly loading in destination table.why its loading. i follw what ever u given idea. plese give clarity. i want to know any errore occured all dft will be rollback.

    and more thing iam not connecect each other dft and dft2 and dft3.

  • when ever source commeing good rows that time execute all records suuces full to load destination.

    suppose dft source one errore occure that time remaing dft1 and dft2 succesfuly loading in destination table.why its loading. i follw what ever u given idea. plese give clarity. i want to know if any errore occured any source level all dft will be rollback.

    and more thing iam not connecect each other dft and dft2 and dft3.

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